is it not too late to include the patch I just attached to YOKO-107 (adding support for nested struct)?

That patch fixes a nasty bug affecting the generation of schema types for struct parameter in an IDL operation.

Let's say we have a IDL operation containing a struct parameter followed by a struct definition:
struct Employee {
  string name;
  string dep;

void greet(in Employee emp2);

struct AnotherStruct {
  short aShort;
  long aLong;

then the xmlschemaelement corresponding to parameter Employee emp2 was erroneously assigned the schemaType of AnotherStruct instead of the schemaType of Employee, e.g:
    <xs:element name="greet">
          <xs:element name="emp2" type="AnotherStruct">

instead of:
    <xs:element name="greet">
          <xs:element name="emp2" type="Employee">

- Matteo

Mosur Ravi, Balaji wrote:


I have uploaded the distribution in my home directory. If everyone is ok
with that we could propose this for our first milestone release...

Directory: /home/bravi



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