On Friday October 20 2006 2:40 pm, Dain Sundstrom wrote:
> Is the 18057K celtix-distribution-1.1-SNAPSHOT-bin-epl.jar really
> required to build?  That seems like a very very large file to
> download just to build.

It's a problem due to the licensing on a couple of the sun jars that are 
required by the tooling and binding things.    Basically, a couple of the 
Sun jar could not be uploaded to ibiblio due to the license they were 
under, but they COULD be included in a full distribution.   The celtix 
distribution does that.   Thus, the build downloads the full celtix 
distribution and then extracts the required jars from there.

That all said, with the migration from Celtix to CXF, some of that will 
change.    Newer versions of some of the jars are now available on sun's 
java.net repository and maven can grab them directly from there.   There 
are just two jars left that we're trying to figure out what to do with:
jsr181.jar and jsr250.jar

We've contributed a cleanroom version of 181 to geronimo specs [1].  They 
just haven't built it and deployed it anywhere yet.   Geronimo specs also 
has the 250 stuff [2], but also not build/deployed anywhere.

When the Geronimo folks get those deployed, the CXF team will happily 
switch over to those which could then completely remove the "sun jars" 

J. Daniel Kulp
Principal Engineer
P: 781-902-8727    C: 508-380-7194   F:781-902-8001


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