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Kalau  pembayaran  menggunakan Credit Card ke E-commerce International
banyak ditolak, nggak usah heran...ini antara lain penyebabnya.

 Syafril                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]


Date   : Sunday, April 21, 2002, 8:17:50 PM
Subject: [id-cert] Indonesia menyedihkan ...

===8<==============Original message text===============

------- Forwarded message follows -------
BY  THE  END  of  the weekend, 1,600 potential thieves had visited the
page,  hailing  from  some  75  countries,  with Indonesia, the United
States, and Romania topping the list.

"It's  frightening  how  vulnerable  we  are,  and  how  quickly  this
information  gets  around,"  said  Avivah  Litan,  fraud  analyst with
Gartner Inc.

Clements, who operates antifraud site, plans to locate as
many  individual  IP addresses as he can. He will then inform Internet
service  providers  that  their  customers are likely participating in
illegal activity.

He also plans to share his data with the FBI and U.S. Secret Service.
"We caught a lot of people in this net. Word is going [around] that ID
process  will  take  place.  Just  identifying  half of them will be a
deterrent,"  he  said.  "We  want  the  carders to know we're coming."

The  Web  page  Clements produced included fake data that mimicked the
kind  often left accidentally on the Internet by e-commerce merchants.
He  then had people he trusted call attention to the Web sites in chat
rooms that are known havens for credit card thieves.
Then he sat back and watched, logging the IP address of every computer
which visited the Web site.

Tracking the physical location of IP addresses can be tricky business,
but  Clements  used  a  company  named  Nami  Media Inc. to trace back
addresses to originating countries, and in some cases, cities. In
this case, Nami Media acts as a reseller of tracking information
provided by Digital Envoy.

Nami  Media's  CEO,  Gary Mittman, said technological advancements and
plain  old  hard  work has refined such IP tracking to the point where
it's reliable.
Hacks, Viruses & Scams
.  Korean firm gives hackers a chance
.  Year-old hole exposes credit cards 
.  Bug of the Day 
.  Step inside the world of hacking 

"It's  a  mix  of  a variety of things, including crawling back up the
line  with  spiders.  There's  relationships with ISPs. And there's 10
guys  whose full time job it is to update systems with global database
information. They keep it as accurate as they can," Mittman said.

Clements'   results   are  certainly  consistent  with  the  anecdotal
impressions  merchants  have  about credit card fraud hot spots, Litan

"I  know they have strong crime rings in Indonesia and Romania," Litan
said.  "These  two  countries  keep  coming  up when people talk about

About  600  surfers  from  Asia  hit  Clements'  site, almost 400 from
Indonesia.  Another  500 hits came from Europe, with 133 from Romania,
nearly  80  from  Turkey and about 40 from Bulgaria. In North America,
some 400 hits originated in the United States and 80 in Canada.

"What this shows is that these guys work at light speed, and if you're
going  to  war with them, you can't move in weeks or months," Clements
The  number  of  surfers  in  each  country who browsed's
"sting" page of stolen data:
Rank Company Number of surfers 
1. United States 390 
2. Indonesia 379 
3. Romania 133 
4. Canada 79 
5. Turkey 78 
6. Philippines 42 
7. Australia 40 
8. Bulgaria 39 
9. Malaysia 32 
10. Lithuania 28 
11. United Kingom 27 
12. Pakistan 27 
13. Spain 23 
14. Sweden 21 
15. Japan 21 
16. Germany 21 
17. Macedonia 21 
18. Jordan 20 

===8<===========End of original message text===========

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