Temu akbar HANATA 2004, 3-4 Januari 2004 di Ciater        
Pendaftaran di Milis Anggota, atau SMS ke 0815-9500-697     
      Mas Pang,

Doddy ini kerja untuk SLB-Dowell, .....ring the bell?


At 03:05 AM 12/23/2003 +0700, you wrote:
>Temu akbar HANATA 2004, 3-4 Januari 2004 di Ciater
>Pendaftaran di Milis Anggota, atau SMS ke 0815-9500-697
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>8
>       Hallo Doddy Samperuru ,
>Banyak tulisan anda yang cukup mendalam dibidang teknologi militer ,
>apakah Doddy bekerja dilingkungan TNI ?? Atau mungkin suplai peralatan
>militer , seperti Eddy Syahbandi dan Bang Togu Hutagaol ,..
>Boleh juga diskusi semacam ini kita kembangkan ,..
>Salam hangat ,
>Priyo PS
>------------------Original Message-----
>From: Doddy Samperuru <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Date: Sun, 21 Dec 2003 22:07:02 -0800 (PST)
>Subject: [yonsatu] FW (news) Israeli Commandos Refuse to Serve in W.Bank,
> > 8<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
> > Temu akbar HANATA 2004, 3-4 Januari 2004 di Ciater
> > Pendaftaran di Milis Anggota, atau SMS ke 0815-9500-697
> > >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>8
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >       WCDS,
> >
> > masih ingat film "Raid on Entebbe"nya mendiang Charles
> > Bronson ? Operation Thunderbolt (a.k.a Operation
> > Jonathan) di awal Juli 1976 yg legendaris tsb
> > dilakukan oleh unit komando Israel bernama Sayeret
> > Matkal.
> > Berita terbaru dari internet ttg penolakan beberapa
> > personel Sayeret Matkal utk ikut beroperasi di daerah
> > pendudukan Israel cukup mengejutkan. Alasannya sangat
> > menarik: operasi militer di daerah tsb imoral.
> >
> > Berikut berita selengkapnya dari Reuters:
> >
> > Israeli Commandos Refuse to Serve in W.Bank, Gaza
> >
> > JERUSALEM (Reuters) - Thirteen fighters in Israel's
> > most celebrated commando unit have publicly refused to
> > serve in the West Bank and Gaza Strip because they
> > believe the army's operations there are immoral,
> > Israeli media reported.
> > The commandos announced their refusal to serve in a
> > letter sent to Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, who has
> > come under increased pressure to halt efforts to quash
> > a three-year-old Palestinian uprising and instead
> > engage in peace treaty talks.
> >
> > "We will no longer be party to an oppressive rule in
> > the territories and the disregard for the human rights
> > of millions of Palestinians," the 13 Sayeret Matkal
> > reservist commandos wrote in their letter, according
> > to local television stations.
> >
> > "We will no longer be a defensive wall against
> > settlements," added the letter, in a reference to
> > Jewish settlements in lands Israel occupied in the
> > 1967 Middle East war.
> >
> > The Sayeret Matkal, or General Staff Reconnaissance
> > Unit, is Israel's most elite commando unit and has
> > often been compared to the U.S. military's Delta Force
> > or the British army's SAS.
> >
> > It has carried out some of the Israeli army's most
> > daring missions including the rescuing of 106
> > passengers taken hostage by Palestinian guerrillas at
> > Entebbe Airport in Uganda in 1976.
> >
> > During the uprising, the Sayeret Matkal has been
> > involved in raids to arrest senior Palestinian
> > militant commanders behind a suicide bombing campaign
> > against Israel.
> >
> > The commandos' letter followed a petition earlier in
> > the year from 27 air force pilots -- all but nine of
> > whom had retired -- as refusing to carry out missions
> > against Palestinian militants in which civilians could
> > be killed.
> >
> > The 13 signatories to the commando letter were all
> > identified as being reservists, but it was not clear
> > how many were still involved in active military duty.
> >
> > Sharon's office declined to comment, but military
> > officials described the letter as political, noting
> > that it was sent to Sharon and not military
> > commanders.
> >
> > "It is very serious that reserve soldiers are using
> > their military past and the name of the unit in which
> > they served as a vehicle to publish their political
> > views," an army spokesman said about the letter.
> >
> > One of the signatories, identified as Zohar, told
> > Channel One Television: "This is not a political
> > letter...we spoke of the phenomena of occupation which
> > corrupts."
> >
> > The commandos' letter joined the pilots' letter as the
> > most high-profile acts of defiance by members of the
> > armed forces since the 1982 invasion of Lebanon, when
> > a tank brigade commander resigned rather than invade
> > Beirut, after saying he saw children through his field
> > glasses.
> >
> > Some of Israel's top military and political figures
> > served in the Sayeret Matkal, including former prime
> > ministers Ehud Barak (news - web sites) and Benjamin
> > Netanyahu (news - web sites), whose elder brother was
> > killed in the Entebbe rescue operation.
> >
> > Israeli television stations said it was likely that
> > those signatories still in active service would be
> > dismissed from the unit. The air force removed the
> > nine combat pilots still in active duty after they
> > signed their protest letter in September.
> > *********************************
> >
> > Berminat utk didiskusikan ?
> >
> > Salam,
> > Doddy - Ekek 25
> >
> > __________________________________
> > Do you Yahoo!?
> > New Yahoo! Photos - easier uploading and sharing.
> > http://photos.yahoo.com/
> >
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