Hi all,

I met Klik developer and maintainer and discussed regarding running klik in Yoper. He redirected me to Klik Wiki Installation guid .

Please install it via root as there are some issues with User(non-root) in Yoper.

It got installed quickly original.gif

Klik takes the default desktop environment's browser for its frontend and for Yoper, it took Konqueror.And there seems to be an error with Konqueror, its been displaying,
QUOTE(Konqueror error)
/opt/gcc-3.4.3/lib/libstdc++.so.6: version `CXXABI_1.3.1' not found (required by /usr/lib/libkhtml.so.4)

I have even updated kdebase,kdelibs, but still i get this error.No idea what it is.

But anyway, you can run klik via konsole or firefox rolleyes.gif

After installing klik as mentioned in the Klik Wiki Installation guide Section,perform these,

1) ~/klik-cmg-install-root

1) Enable KDE Thumbnails for CMG thumbnail support.

2) Open konsole, type,
chmod 755 /bin/pidof
chmod 755 /sbin/pidof

There are some problems with pidof as this displays many error messages if you start the installed application via command line.Looking into it,will post in another thread regarding this.

Thats it.Klik is configured(except for this konqueror mad.gif )

To test,Open Konsole,type,
~/.klik xvier

You would see some files being downloaded and at last you have the application cool.gif

You can see an entry added to KMenu as Applications(installed by Klik)

I did not stop here, logged in as normal user, opened konsole,typed,
~/.klik picasa

Surprised ?. You have Picasa running in Yoper OUT OF THE BOX rolleyes.gif cool.gif rolleyes.gif


[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~ # smart search picasa
Loading cache...
Updating cache...                          ########################################################## [100%]
Saving cache...


So why dont we concentrate/deploy klik original.gif

BTW, in the mean time Enjoy "klik"ing wink.gif

Novatium Solutions Limited,Chennai.

"Sometimes it's better not to ask - or to listen - when people tell you something can't be done. I didnt ask for permission or approval. I just went ahead and did it."  - from "Direct from Dell"
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