
Forgive me if this is a daft question but I am totally new to this type of packaging. I have managed to build and compile packages on my computer using the mach environment, but how do I go about submitting them for testing by others? In a forum post by TobiG he posted a link to the wiki where it gives instruction for svn access to a buildserver.  And this where I think I haven't understood something. You have to log into the buildserver and compile your package on the server itself? Or is the specfile you created uploaded to be tested by someone else?. I'm not against building packages on a different machine but what happens when the package you build installs a dependency that breaks the toolchain? 

When I looked at the svn wiki it looked alot like you were actually programming. Locking a file so others can't access it while you make your changes to it before submitting it back for others to make their changes.

Once again sorry if I've missed the boat but can anyone help me sort this one out or point my eyes to the appropriate section I ve missed?


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