
In a very insane moment ( the one where I should have gone to bed
already) last night, I decided to upgrade my productive Yoper
installation to xorg-7.1 .

So I moved all config files from /etc/X11 away and did smart upgrade
several times ( on the command line) until there was no upgrade left.

/etc/init.d/kdmctrl restart

And voila I was back in Yoper having xorg-7.1 installed. So far I
realised the following.

Through the upgrade I lost one kdepackage that got uninstalled (
kdegraphics AFAIR, together with ogmrip and transcode ) . Everything
else works smoothly. Firefox, Thunderbird, Kdiff3 and amarok were the
apps I tested so far.

Then I tried to move on getting the ATI drivers back. To make some
comparison I tried running glxgears without ATI drivers. glxgears
produces :

Xlib: extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0".
Error: couldn't get an RGB. Double buffered visual

So things are moving forward but some are left to be fixed. If someone
has an idea how to fix that feel welcome to enlighten me. I will be
back online in 48 hours. Until then ,

have a nice weekend.
Tobias Gerschner
Member of Board of Yoper Linux Ltd. NZ

Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not enough; we must do.
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