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N.P. Anthrax - Stand Or Fall (live)

----- Original Message -----
From: "Dragana Novakovic" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "yumetal groups" <>
Sent: Friday, October 21, 2005 12:31
Subject: [YUmetal] Literatura za oputanje

> Evo vam malo Shiva da se opustite veceras pred
> spavanje a i attachment da nervira Milosha ;-)
> __________________________________
> Yahoo! Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005
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> YU Metal.
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>  Day One:
>  Ringwraiths killed: 4. V. good.
>  Met up with Hobbits. Walked forty miles. Skinned a squirrel and ate it.
>  Still not King.
>  Day Four:
>  Stuck on mountain with Hobbits. Boromir really annoying.
>  Not King yet.
>  Day Six:
>  Orcs killed: none. Disappointing. Stubble update: I look rugged and
> Yes!
>  Keep wanting to drop-kick Gimli. Holding myself back.
>  Still not King.
>  Day Ten:
>  Sorry no entries lately. V. dark in Mines of Moria. Big Baelrog.
>  Not King today either.
>  Day Eleven:
>  Orcs killed: 7. V. good. Stubble update: Looking mangy.
>  Legolas may be hotter than me.
>  I wonder if he would like me if I was King?
>  Day 28:
>  Beginning to find Frodo disturbingly attractive. Have a feeling if I
>  make a move, Sam would kill me. Also, hairy feet kind of a turn-off.
>  Still not King.
>  Day 30:
>  In Lothlorien. Think Galadriel was hitting on me. Saucy wench.
>  Nice chat with Boromir. He's not so bad.
>  Took a shower. Yay!
>  But still not King.
>  Day 32:
>  Orcs killed: none. Stubble update: subtly hairy.
>  Legolas told me that a shadow and a threat had been growing in his mind.
>  I think Legolas might be kinda gay.
>  Nope, not King.
>  Day 33:
>  Orcs killed: Countless thousands. V. good.
>  Boromir killed by Orcs. Bummer. Though he died bravely in my arms, am
>  now quite sure that he was very definitely gay.
>  Not so sure about Gimli either.
>  RIP Boromir.
>  Still not King, but at least Boromir seemed to think I was. Might
>  however have been blood loss.
>  Day 34:
>  Frodo went to Mordor. Said he was going alone, but took Sam with him.
>  My God, is everyone in this movie gay but me?
>  Not so sure about me either.
>  Still not King, goddammit.
> ======================================================================
> The Secret Diary of Legolas, son of Weenus
>  Day One:
>  Went to Council of Elrond. Was prettiest person there. Agreed to follow
>  some tiny little man to Mordor to throw ring into volcano. Very important
>  mission
>  - gold ring so tacky.
>  Day Four:
>  Boromir so irritating. Why must he wear big shield like dinner plate
>  all the time? Climbed up Caradhras but wimpy humans who cannot walk on
>  insisted we climb back down.
>  Am definitely prettiest member of the Fellowship. Go me!
>  Day Six:
>  Far too dark in Mines of Moria to brush hair properly. Am very afraid
>  I am developing a tangle.
>  Orcs so silly.
>  Still the prettiest.
>  Day Ten:
>  Gandalf fell into shadow. In other news, I think I am developing a
>  spot on my nose. V. serious situation, as Elven spots likely to last for
> 500
>  years or more.
>  Still prettiest, despite blasted spot.
>  Day Eleven:
>  In Lothlorien. Suspect Galadriel may be prettier than me.
>  Also, am quite sure she copied my hairstyle. I was wearing that same
>  look at least 1,000 years ago. Silly bint. She was most annoyed that I
>  her mirrored fountain to take a nice bubble bath.
>  I choose to ignore her claim that my hair clogged her drain. Not one
>  strand of my hair has fallen out in 800 years, why would it start now?
>  Still prettiest by far.
>  Day 30:
>  All this paddling about in boats is hell on my complexion.
>  Aragorn obviously starting to find Frodo strangely attractive. Sam
>  will kill him if he tries anything.
>  Still the prettiest.
>  Day 33 :
>  Boromir tempted by Ring. So tedious. Cannot be tempted myself, as
>  already have everything I want i.e. perfect hair and a butt like granite.
>  Have been getting very strange letters from someone calling herself
>  "Stacey" who wants to do obscene things to my elfhood. Fortunately have
>  super-duper elf vision so can run away if I see her coming.
>  Day 35:
>  Boromir dead. Very messy death, most unnecessary. Did get kissed by
>  Aragorn as he expired. Does a guy have to get shot full of arrows
>  around here to get any action? Boromir definitely not prettier than me.
>  Cannot understand it.
>  Am feeling a pout coming on.
>  Frodo off to Mordor with Sam. Tiny little men caring about each
>  other, rather cute really.
>  Am quite sure Gimli fancies me. So unfair. He is waist height, so can
>  see advantages there, but chunky braids and big helmet most offputting.
>  Forsee dark times ahead, very dark times.
> ======================================================================
>  The Very Secret Diary of Boromir of Gondor
>  Day One:
>  Went to Council of Elrond. Aragorn acting all superior as usual. He
>  thinks he's so great because he's shagging that bit of elf crumpet
>  on the side. I mean just because someone has a broad chest, firm,
>  defined muscles, an outdoorsy tan and loads of manly stubble doesn't
>  mean that....what?
>  Got distracted there for a bit.
>  Seem to have agreed to go on some sort of mission while distracted by
>  Aragorn's enormous...rudeness.
>  Ooops.
>  Day Three
>  Stupid Ring, stupid Quest, stupid Fellowship.
>  Day Four
>  Frodo dropped Ring today. Picked it up, but Aragorn made me give it back.
>  Arrogant bastard. Wonder how he'd feel with Horn of Gondor shoved
>  right up his...
>  Stupid Ring.
>  Day Four:
>  Is obvious that Aragorn is strangely attracted to Frodo.
>  Ha Ha! Ha!
>  Sam will kill him if he tries anything.
>  Day Six:
>  Aragorn still into Frodo. "Boromir, give the Ring back to Froooodoo."
>  "Boromir, let *me* carry Frodo up Caradhras." "Boromir, quit trying
>  to cut off Frodo's head while he's asleep so you can get at the Ring."
>  Blatant favoritism most annoying.
>  Day Ten:
>  Why isn't Aragorn into me ?
>  Day Eleven:
>  Carried Frodo out of Mines of Moria.
>  Kind of liked it, actually.
>  Hope am not turning into pervy hobbit-fancier like Uncle Windermir.
>  Not after what happened to *him.* Merry and Pippin are cute little
>  things, too...
>  In other news, Gandalf died.
>  Day 30:
>  In Lothlorien. Galadriel quite a babe. Feel sure she was attracted to
>  my rugged yet unwashed manliness.
>  Legolas took a bath in her fountain. Got in trouble. Ha. Ha. Big elfy
>  git. Am quite sure he dyes his hair. Also, he has spot on his nose.
>  Aragorn suggested we take baths as well. Only realized in nick of
>  time he did not mean with each other.
>  Stupid Aragorn.
>  Day 33 :
>  Frodo being all weird about the Ring. Won't even let me look at it. Must
>  admit I had a bit of a tussle with him trying to get a gander at it.
>  Rolled around on him till he went invisible. Resisted urge to have a
>  cuddle (made easier when he punched me in the face.)
>  Aragorn would be jealous. Ha!
>  Day 35:
>  Killed by orcs.
>  Stupid orcs.
> ======================================================================
>  Day One:
>  Feeling much better in House of Elrond after nice long nap. Also, Sam
>  gave me fabulous backrub and bubble bath. Platonic, brotherly love so
>  wonderful.
>  Wasn't quite entirely sure why he needed to suck on my toes, but am
>  assured it has something to do with Elf medicine.
>  Day Three
>  Have agreed to carry Ring to Mordor. In hindsight, probably a bad
>  move.
>  Day Four
>  Aragorn and Boromir had big fight over who got to carry me up Mount
>  Caradhras. Aragorn shoved Boromir into snowbank. Boromir bit Aragorn
>  on the ear. Ring must be affecting them more seriously than I thought.
>  Day Six:
>  Woke up to find Aragorn playing with buttons on my shirt.
>  He must be after the Ring. Damn its siren call.
>  Ah well, Sam will kill him if he tries anything.
>  Day Ten:
>  Today Legolas began stroking my inner thigh with his bow.
>  Was stunned. Had no idea Legolas wanted the Ring too.
>  It must truly be an object of awesome power.
>  Day Eleven:
>  Gandalf showed me very strange trick he can do. Apparently pointy
>  wizard hat not just for show.
>  Wonder if Ring is affecting him, or perhaps he is just v. peculiar.
>  Day 24 :
>  Finally feel rested. Is too dark in Mines of Moria for Aragorn to
>  find me and pinch me as he has been doing lately.
>  Gandalf fell into shadow. Was sad to see pointy hat go.
>  Day 27 :
>  Lothlorien so pretty. Galadriel pretty too. Offered her One Ring, but
>  she kept saying, "No, there's something else I'd rather have from you,
>  Frodo Baggins," and trying to slide foot up inside my breeches. So, gave
>  her my extra pair of breeches since she seemed fond of them. Maybe some
> kind
>  of breeches shortage in Lothlorien.
>  Day 30 :
>  Rowed all day in boats. V. tired. Merry and Pippin offered to give me
>  a group massage. Nice to have such v. concerned friends. Glad Ring is
>  not affecting them. Although did not need back rubbed quite so much, nor
>  other parts.
>  Pippin does remember we're cousins, right?
>  Right?
>  Day 33 :
>  Boromir tried to take the Ring. Am not entirely certain, but am
>  fairly sure he also tried to have a little cuddle. Was most unnerving,
>  as Boromir quite huge.
>  Day 36 :
>  Everyone keeps hitting on me. Cannot cope. Off to Mordor.
>  Sam coming too. Good thing, as will enable me to have more of those
>  platonic, brotherly foot massages he's so good at.
>  Am sad to leave rest of Company though, as found myself quite
>  fancying the idea of shagging Gimli. Chunky braids and huge helmet
>  quite a turn-on.
>  Ah, well, he never would have liked me anyway.
> ======================================================================
>  Day One:
>  Frodo stabbed by Morgul blade. Oh no! Pippin cried. Told Pippin it
>  would be all right as Mr. Frodo far too hot to die.
>  Did I say that out loud?
>  Day Three:
>  Have followed Mr. Frodo to Rivendell where Elves will heal him.
>  Gandalf told me to help poor unconscious Mr. Frodo get out of dirty
>  clothes. So took clothes off him and gave him a bath. And another one.
>  Then gave him another bath. Gandalf came and told me six baths was quite
>  enough, Samwise Gamgee.
>  Poncy old git probably hasn't taken a bath since the Second Age.
>  Day Four:
>  Wonder if it is time for Mr. Frodo to have another bath yet.
>  Day Five:
>  Elf bubble bath v. colorful and pretty.
>  Gandalf no fun at all.
>  *sulk*
>  Day Six:
>  Mr. Frodo awake! Is doing well although also seems concerned as to
>  why his fingers are all wrinkled.
>  Decided not to tell him about all the baths.
>  Day Seven:
>  Snuck into Council of Elrond. Frodo offered to take Ring to Mordor.
>  Mr. Frodo is so brave, handsome, tall and wonderful!
>  Okay, so possibly isn't all that tall.
>  Day Eight:
>  Off to Mordor. Other members of Fellowship v. dodgy if you ask me.
>  Especially Boromir. "Teaching Merry and Pippin how to sword-fight" my
>  Aunt Lobelia. Obviously pervy hobbit-fancier who likes to roll around
>  small men in shorts.
>  Day Nine:
>  Aragorn just as pervy as Boromir. Obviously fancies Mr. Frodo. Will
>  kill him if he tries anything.
>  Day Ten:
>  V. dark in Mines of Moria. Used flat edge of sword to whack Aragorn
>  every time he tried to pinch Mr. Frodo in the dark.
>  Gandalf fell into bottomless pit. Mr. Frodo said something later
>  about pointy wizard hat, but did not understand it as am innocent young
>  hobbit from Shire not versed in wordily ways.
>  Pippin says Legolas is shagging Gimli.
>  Ick.
>  Day Fifteen:
>  Lothlorien v. pretty. Blonde elf lady absolutely hitting on poor Mr.
>  Frodo left, right and center. Pippin agrees. Told Pippin height
>  would make relationship impossible. Pippin said Mr. Frodo could stand on
>  stilts.
>  Hate Pippin.
>  Day Twenty-Two:
>  Leaving Lothlorien. Bye-bye grabby elf lady.
>  Not sure where going exactly, but is obviously somewhere
>  water-related, as have been given boats. Do not care really as long as
>  get to share boat with Mr. Frodo.
>  Day Twenty-Three:
>  Boromir finally acted on pent-up lust for Mr. Frodo. Got shot down of
>  course (hurrah!) but not before made spectacle of himself. Claims was
> trying
>  to take Ring so as to rule world and bring down evil, but we all know
>  that's a big fib don't we.
>  Day Twenty-Four:
>  Boromir killed by orcs. Knew orcs good for something.
>  Frodo off to Mordor. Taking me along, hurrah! Mr. Frodo needs
>  cheering up as  seems inexplicably sorry to say goodbye to Gimli, as well
>  as is depressed and claims is now sure he will die a virgin in the barren
>  wastelands of the Dark Lord's realm.
>  We will see about that.
> ======================================================================
>  Day One:
>  In Shire. Stunning vista of innocent and pastoral beauty. Is it me, or
>  was Frodo just hanging around in that field masturbating before I came
>  along?
>  Day Two:
>  Bilbo's Birthday party improved by substantial amount of hobbit weed.
>  Everyone sho nice. Bilbo nice too. Lights sho pretty. Frodo not bad
>  either. Hobbits sho cuddly. Whups. Fellover.
>  Day Three:
>  Massive fecking hangover. Off to Minas Tirith for some aspirin.
>  Day Twelve:
>  Went to Saruman for advice about Ring but he had become evil. Nobody
>  tells me anything. Apparently there was a memo. Radagast the Brown
>  probably stealing paper out of my inbox again.
>  Day Thirteen :
>  Stuck on top of tower. Great view, but constant pelting sleet not good
>  for pointy hat. Am amusing self by spitting gum down on the Orcs.
>  Day Fourteen :
>  Visited again by Saruman who tried to grab a feel. As if!
>  Day Sixteen :
>  Am lonely. Saruman maybe not so unattractive after all. If only were
>  not for giantly flaring nostrils and huge clawlike fingernails...okay
>  you'd think I might have figured out he was evil before.
>  Day Nineteen :
>  Escaped. Am in Rivendell. Sam slightly out of control. Keeps giving
>  Frodo baths. Elves all out of strawberry-scented soap now. Elrond
>  getting annoyed.
>  Day Twenty :
>  Elrond has decided to send Frodo away as is tired of never being able
>  to get into the first-floor bathroom. Big folderol about Ring. Have
>  agreed to go with Fellowship in case Sam might decide to give ME a
>  bath. Could use one.
>  Day Twenty-One:
>  Aragorn obviously into Frodo. Sam will kill him if he tries anything.
>  Asked Sam to give me a bath. He said, "Ha ha, Mister Gandalf, you're
>  not serious." Useless git.
>  Day Twenty-Three :
>  V. cold on top of Caradhras. Aragorn won fight about who got to carry
>  Frodo up the mountain. Boromir sulking. If Legolas keeps nancing about
>  on top of the snow, may have to hit him with my staff.
>  Day Twenty-Five :
>  Do not want to go through Mines of Moria, as suspect Balrog still
>  angry about bad date we went on back in Second Age.
>  Day Twenty-Six:
>  In Mines of Moria. Yep, Balrog still angry.
>  Day Twenty-Seven:
>  Fell into shadow. Balrog such a prat. Had to do some quite unspeakable
>  things before he would let me leave the caverns. Have decided not to
>  tell the rest of Fellowship. Will make up story about having engaged
>  in huge battle instead. Off to see Elrond to get quite unpleasant
>  third degree burns in embarassing places treated. Hope Elrond does not
>  laugh at me. If he does, will tell everyone about his dirty weekend
>  with Sauron. Ha!
> ======================================================================
>  Was out pilfering vegetables when bumped into Sam and Frodo. Had a
>  nice little roll around with Frodo in corn before was forcibly removed
>  by Sam. Must have word with Frodo about letting servants get overly
>  familiar and grabby.
>  Fell down hill. Merry v. disappointed that he broke his carrot. After
>  he found one that was just the right shape, too.
>  V. nice in Rivendell. Sick of rooming with Sam though. Constantly
>  sopping wet and reeking of strawberries. Also tired of elves mistaking
>  me for unusually lifelike lawn ornament.
>  Joined Fellowship of Ring for a lark. Everyone v. nice except Legolas
>  seems a bit testy. Yesterday held me upside down over crevasse until I
>  admitted he was the prettiest elf in the Fellowship. Did not feel like
>  pointing out he was only elf in Fellowship, as crevasse was very deep.
>  Has been twenty-five days since met Aragorn and he has not yet washed
>  his hair. Is really starting to bother me.
>  Sam all wrong about Boromir. Really very nice man. Invited me to go
>  for a walk with him tonight and said he would let me blow his Horn of
>  Gondor. Can't wait.
>  Later that night
>  Always thought blowing the Horn of Gondor was supposed to summon
>  armies of the West?
>  Apparently not.
>  V. educational, all the same.
>  V. dark in mines of Moria. Still sort of a relief as means Boromir
>  cannot corner me and complain how Aragorn is insensitive, stuck up git
>  with hobbit fixation. Pot calling kettle black if you ask me. Aragorn
>  obviously way into Frodo, however. Sam will kill him if he tries
>  anything.
>  Caught Legolas waxing soles of Aragorn's boots, thus explaining
>  why Aragorn keeps collapsing into his arms. Tricky elf.
>  Aragorn still hasn't washed his hair.
>  Gandalf dead. Everyone morose. In attempt to cheer up Fellowship,
>  Legolas took off all his clothes and performed scenes from
>  Silmarillion: The Musical. Everyone still morose. Legolas ponced off
>  to have 3,000-year-old elf prince sulk.
>  Lothlorien v. pretty. Accidentally walked in on Gimli taking a bath.
>  Now understand what Gandalf meant about there being scarier things
>  than Orcs. And was that Aragorn hiding under all the bubbles? May have
>  nightmares for weeks.
>  Aragorn washed his hair. Hurrah.
>  Maybe it really was him under all the bubbles.
>  Boromir wrote me a poem. Merry says I am leading him on. Of course,
>  Merry also says I cry like a girl. Merry a total bastard most of the
>  time, actually.
>  Poem not very good. Did not rhyme. Feel slighted.
>  Told Boromir I did not feel ready to commit, so he went and got
>  himself shot by Orcs. Honestly. Humans so oversensitive sometimes.
>  Have been kidnapped by Uruk-hai. Not very friendly types. Merry says
>  we may have to shag our way out of captivity. Suspect Merry looking
>  forward to it, useless wassock. Orcs v. smelly. Suddenly miss Boromir.
> ======================================================================
> Am bored. No cable in Isengard. Nothing to do but write rude anonymous
> letters to
> Radagast the Brown and Manfred the Slightly Ecru.
> Perhaps will have a look at the palantir.
> Have met v. nice guy via palantir. He seems to really like me for me and
> just
> because am most powerful wizard in Middle Earth. Wonder what he looks
> Am becoming disenchanted with palantir guy. Refuses to send me photo,
> of one
> v. large eyeball. Says he is shy but I rather suspect he is fat, or
> hairy.
> Have heard some v. bad stories about palantir relationships. Should
> cool it
> for a while.
> Well, wouldn't you know, palantir guy turned out to be Dark Lord of
> Just my
> luck. Could have been worse, I guess. Sauron not far or hairy, just
> disembodied
> force of evil. Must go now, have to raise massive demon army to scourge
> earth.
> Also, have manicure appointment. Is no easy task keeping nails pointy.
> Typical. Gandalf just came waltzing by and he knows I hate drop-ins.
> to yap
> on and on all about the ring he gave his new boyfriend, terrible pervy
> hobbit-fancier old Gandalf is. Disgrace to the Order. Just wants to show
> and
> remind me that he's got a hobbit, and I'm just dating an eyeball. Well,
> Saruman the
> White does not stand for this treatment. Showed him my Wizard Wrestling
> Federation
> moves. Have delivered smackdown. Go me.
> Am tired of climbing up and down eight million stairs just to taunt
> Should
> have imprisoned him in easy-access dungeon where could taunt more
> effectively, and
> would not have to wait until after breakfast.
> All right, who's been spitting gum down on the orcs? Honestly.
> Was right in middle of really good taunt and Gandalf escaped. Ah well.
> save me
> daily stair climb.
> Have been watching in palantir. Gandalf faffed off on extending camping
> with
> four hobbits, a v. buff elf, and rather fanciable human -- oh bother,
> Aragorn
> son of Arathorn. Once threw him out of Isengard for whinging about not
> King
> yet. Then there's a shady-looking character and some kind of hairy newt.
> maybe
> it's a dwarf.
> What a bunch of yobbos.
> Have crossed orcs with goblin men in caverns below Isengard. V. tedious
> experience
> as orcs and goblin men most reluctant to breed, even with dinner and
> flowers. Next
> time will try something easier, such as breeding goblins and cheerleaders
> create
> super-perky army that can travel by day and will not complain about pink
> uniforms.
> Did not know when decided to make demon army for Sauron that would be so
> darn messy.
> Curse my decision to be Saruman the White. Should have decided to be
> the
> Muddy Brown, or Saruman the Faintly Greenish. White just shows all the
> slime.
> If keep watching in palantir, perhaps will see Gandalf do pointy hat
> Gandalf did pointy hat trick! Ringbearer v. impressed. Aragorn obviously
> fancies
> trousers off the Ringbearer. Sam will kill him if he tries anything.
> Hairy newt is most definitely dwarf. Caught him playing hide-the-helmet
> one of
> the hobbits. Other human seems to be Boromir of Gondor. Am I only one who
> has long
> wanted to ride to Minas Tirith and tell Steward that "Gondor" sounds just
> like
> "gonad" and they should find less silly name? Perhaps it is just me.
> Uruk-hai nearly ready to go. Watched Fellowship a bit today. Boromir
> convinced
> smallest hobbit to "Blow the Horn of Gondor." Have not laughed so hard
> set
> Balrog up with Gandalf during Second Age and Gandalf stuck Balrog with
> restaurant
> bill. Palantir great. Better than cable.
> Soon I will run out of characters. This one's for Alex Malfoy, who does
> like it
> when the Fellowship is bitchy. :D
> Grr. Argh.
> Faffing about in Rivendell with stuck-up elves v. bad for my digestion.
> asked
> Elrond to move me to second floor as cannot get into bathroom here without
> being
> subjected to sight of hobbits bathing amongst scented candles. Is
> ridiculous. Got
> splashed with strawberry bath foam yesterday. On plus side, beard now
> and
> conditioned.
> Elrond refuses to move my room. Walked in on hobbits again this morning.
> What WERE
> they doing with that carrot? Inbred bunch of halfwits, no wonder they
> even
> grow decent beards.
> Suspect Aragorn son of Arathorn of being pervy hobbit-fancier. Completely
> ignoring
> hottie elf fiancce in favor of barging about with hairy-footed gnomes in
> leather
> breeches. Fortunately I, Gimli son of Gloin, am here to take care of her
> loneliness.
> Later.
> Elf women just the right height to keep my ears warm. Go me!
> Have agreed to go on Quest. Arwen getting awfully grabby. Gimli son of
> will
> not be tied down. Would rather spend time with touchy-feely hobbits and
> poncy elves
> than hang about Rivendell taking about 'our relationship.'
> V. cold on top of Caradhras. Big fight over who got to carry hobbits up
> mountain. Did not participate as was busy showing Legolas how to get hair
> braided
> just right. Fight ended when Aragorn picked up Ringbearer and stuffed him
> his
> trousers. That's right, Isildur's Heir. Suffocate the Ringbearer.
> these
> people.
> In Mines of Moria. May have made slight miscalculation, as it seems that
> cousin
> Balin has been dead for at least sixty years. Suppose it should have
> occurred to me
> that has been a while since last got Christmas card from the Moria folks.
> Still,
> cannot be expected to keep track of everything.
> Gandalf fell into shadow. Hobbits used as excuse to have teary cuddlefest
> rocks.
> Suffered manly embrace from Boromir, although he kept jabbing Horn of
> into my
> solar plexus. At least, hope that was the Horn of Gondor. Does not bear
> thinking
> about if not.
> Legolas told me Aragorn is way into Frodo. Sam will kill him if he tries
> anything.
> Suggested to Legolas that we might want a leader who is less of a lech.
> Legolas then
> asked if I wanted to take a bath with him. Beginning to suspect that all
> that Elvish
> poetry about the glory of warrior-bonds between men just big cover-up for
> illicit
> spanking games.
> In Lothlorien. Galadriel quite the babe. While hobbits off power cuddling
> and
> Boromir chasing Aragorn, had time to show her a few dwarf tricks. Nothing
> fancy,
> just a bit of Hide the Helmet and Delving In The Mines. V. satisfactory
> everyone, except possibly Celeborn. On second thought, maybe that was
> Celeborn.
> Cannot much tell difference with elves.
> Left Lothlorien. Have been paddling in boats for days. Am getting v.
> Hobbits
> looking not so bad. Rather cute in fact, despite mullet haircuts. Cannot
> near
> Frodo without getting bitten on kneecaps by Sam, and Pippin dating
> so will
> see if perhaps Merry wants to take a nice moonlit stroll tonight. Hurrah
> warrior-bonds between men.
> ======================================================================
> Got in trouble for setting off fireworks at party. Suspect Gandalf not
> actually all
> that annoyed and was merely excuse to get us young hobbit boys wet and
> lathered up.
> Became even more suspicious when "washing dishes" punishment followed by
> "polishing
> Gandalf's staff" punishment and "massaging Gandalf's feet" punishment and
> "nude
> leapfrog in the cabbage patch" punishment, I mean, who's he trying to kid,
> really?
> Especially with the foot thing.
> V. promising start to day when discovered carrot that was just right
> Even
> more promising when Pippin nabbed six cabbages, two bags potatoes, and
> ears
> corn, although cannot help but think Pippin being slightly
> I mean,
> could probably manage two ears corn, but not before breakfast.
> All went downhill though when bumped into Frodo and faithful bit of rough
> trade,
> whoops, loyal manservant Sam, in cornfield. Pippin was prevented from
> extended
> cuddle with Frodo by Sam, who in v. surprising butch moment tossed Pippin
> down a
> cliff. In ensuing scuffle carrot was broken. Am v. sad.
> Cutting across country with Frodo, Sam and Pippin. Are being pursued by
> overdressed
> and v. crabby set of riders in outdated black ensembles. As told Gandalf
> "The Gray"
> earlier, monochromatic look is so out. Wonder if Frodo avoiding bad
> or
> jealous exes? Have heard hobbit-swapping all the rage up in Hobbiton
> currently,
> although would not go in for that sort of thing myself.
> Everything going from bad to worse.  Stop-off in Bree resulted in pick-up
> disaffected and unshaven human who is obviously pervy hobbit-fancier, not
> that
> anyone listens to me. Insisted we all share bed in his room instead of
> back to
> own perfectly nice quarters, then hung about all night most likely hoping
> for mad
> hobbit foursome under the sheets. Didn't happen, but did have to spend all
> night
> hanging on to Pippin's belt to prevent him from climbing right over Sam
> onto
> Frodo. Does Pippin have death wish, or what?
> Was woken up most unpleasantly as was being tickled by hobbit-fancying
> human. Told
> him to sod off and he said "That's not what you said last night." After
> moment of
> confusion realized he thought I was Pippin. Explained. Human slunk away,
> most
> embarrassed, after explaining, "I'm really meant to be King, you know."
> he is,
> and I'm the Elf Queen of Mirkwood.
> In Rivendell. Have been stuck sleeping right next to bathroom. Splashing
> noises all
> night long and strawberry soap suds making floors all slippery. Woke up
> night
> only to discover Elrond had crawled into bed with me. Extricated himself
> with much
> embarrassment after realizing hobbit he was groping under bedsheets was
> Pippin.
> Have decided to invest in name tag.
> Have fixed carrot with special elf glue. Go me!
> Have agreed to go on Quest to keep eye on Pippin. Also curious to see what
> will
> happen with Frodo, as Aragorn most obviously fancies him. Sam will of
> kill
> him if he tries anything.
> Hope he tries something.
> Boromir teaching us how to swordfight. Typical human, most unsubtle,
> dropping
> sword down trousers and asking us "little ones" to come and get it.
> had a go
> at ruffling Frodo's hair today and Aragorn almost snicked off his head.
> Humans so
> amusing. Caught Pippin eyeing the elf doing his morning exercises today
> managed
> to distract him with an eggplant. Do not know what will do when run out of
> vegetables.
> Boromir asked me to go for walk with him. Am not falling for old 'Horn of
> Gondor'
> trick. Am not. Am not. Oh, bloody hell. Just this once.
> Am in bad mood. Boromir called me "Pippin" at most inopportune time.
> out to
> him that I am Merry and that we have been conducting meaningful
> for
> three weeks, but he just laughed and patted my head. Realize he actually
> cannot tell
> me apart from Pippin either. Am doomed to be Indistinguishable Backup
> forever, even in matters of romance. Am considering dramatic haircut,
> perhaps mohawk
> of some sort.
> Got mohawk but no one can see it as is v. dark in Mines of Moria. Is
> difficult to
> keep eye on Pippin properly. Woke up to discover Legolas sneaking under
> covers with
> me. Told him was not Pippin. Legolas said, "Not much difference really,
> In
> ensuing scuffle broke my carrot again. Gave to Gandalf to fix. Gandalf
> "Fool
> of a Took! I have better things to do than mend your vegetables." Did not
> correct
> Gandalf, as am afraid of pointy hat.
> Gandalf fell into shadow. Took carrot with him. Am most miffed. Did best
> comfort
> Pippin, but Pippin far more cheered by Legolas' nude rendition of
> Silmarillion: The
> Musical. Could not watch myself ? far too many high kicks.
> In Lothlorien. Was visited by no less than fifty elves and a woodchuck
> night,
> all convinced was Pippin. Pippin of course nowhere to be found, probably
> with
> Boromir. Something must be done. Woodchuck awfully persistent.
> certainly not.
> Kidnapped by orcs. All according to plan. Have told Pippin will have to
> our way
> out of captivity. Pippin seeming pleased. Wait till he realizes I meant he
> will have
> to shag me to get out of captivity. In addition, orcs have given me brand
> new carrot
> as reward for my having painted large yellow target marks on Boromir while
> he was
> not looking. All in all a v. good day.
> ======================================================================
> V. Secret Diary of Ringwraith No. 5
> Day 1
> Just opened Christmas pressie from Sauron. Pretty, pretty, pretty, pretty
> ring!
> Day 1,000,967
> Got box of chocolates as Christmas bonus from Dark Lord, again. As per
> usual, Sauron
> ate all the toffees and left the strawberry creams. How I detest this life
> of vile
> servitude.
> Still disembodied.
> Day 1,001,056
> V. bored in Barad-Dur. Nothing to do but play Scrabble with Orcs. Is v.
> annoying as
> Orcs only know Black Speech of Mordor. You try spelling Azg Nazg Gimbatul
> for a
> triple word score. Yeah, I didn't think so.
> Day 1,001,102
> Suspect Sauron gearing up for something. Walked in on him applying
> ceremonial
> sparkly mascara. Suspect he will be v. happy when he has body back and can
> really
> dress up again.
> Day 1,001,105
> Yes, Sauron definitely gearing up for something. Have been given orders to
> sally
> forth and hunt down hobbit and close personal hobbit friend, who have
> somehow gotten
> hold of Ruling Ring. Witch-King of Angmar's suggestion to place pictures
> Ruling
> Ring on milk cartons and wait for calls to come in was ignored.
> Day 1,001,106
> Have been given brand spanking new horse.
> Not for spanking, of course.
> Go me!
> On minus side, still disembodied.
> Day 1,001,107
> V. close to nabbing Ringbearer tonight, but head Nazgul suffered attack of
> giggles
> while observing excessive cuddliness of Ringbearer and his three
> "companions."
> Suspect Gandalf chose Ringbearer on account of big blue eyes and pouty
> lip,
> rather than possession of heroic-type
> fortitude.
> Will catch up with pretty-boy Hobbit and harem of pint-sized boyfriends in
> Bree. V.
> much looking forward to post-slaughter
> booze-up.
> Day 1,001,109
> Drat that Aragorn. Drat Isildur and all his Heirs. Generations of pervy
> Hobbit-fanciers, of no use to anyone. Son of Arathorn has Hobbit-napped
> Ringbearer. To combat disappointment at failure to achieve goals set by
> Sauron,
> spent all night boozing it up in Bree. Breelanders v. informative.
> Drinks: 10 Mai Tais (then impaled innkeeper on swizzle stick)
> Killed: 17 human men. Go us!
> Day 1,001,115
> Have been following Isildur's heir and pack of Hobbits for six days.
> Aragorn obviously into Ringbearer. Sam will kill him if he tries anything.
> Day 1,001,116
> Got slightly over-frisky with Ringbearer at Weathertop. Aragorn went all
> wonky and
> possessive and set me on fire. And indeed, Sam did try to kill me although
> did not
> notice had been hit in knees with frying pan until later on.
> Day 1,001,119
> Met she-elf girlfriend of Isildur's Heir today. Was so busy laughing at
> concept of
> Aragorn the Hobbit Fancier having "girlfriend" that inconveniently got
> washed away
> in stream.
> Horse dead, armor all rusted. Must return to Mordor for oiling.
> No, not that kind of oiling.
> Rather a pervy wraith-fancier, aren't you, what?
> ======================================================================
> The Secret Diary of Gollum
> Day One
> Popped over to attend Pervy Hobbit Fanciers Anonymous Meeting in Misty
> Mountains only to discover
> was booby trap set by
> Sauron.
> Stupid Sauron.
> Day Five
> Held captive by orcs in Barad-Dur. Have been forced to watch ?Flipper?
> and over until give in
> and tell them where Ring is. Damn evil methods of torture refined over
> millennia. Will not give in.
> Will remain strong.
> Day Six
> Orcs have switched to repeat viewings of ?The Faculty.? Cannot cope. Have
> told them where Ring is.
> Day Eight
> Escaped from Mordor. Have made way to Shire. Am v. disappointed that in
> few weeks no one has
> responded to personal ad
> placed in Shire Weekly. ?Toothless, fetid greenish creature ISO blue-eyed
> curly-headed hobbit. Must
> enjoy squatting in darkness, jewelry-fondling, and referring to self in
> third person. No smokers.?
> Day Ten
> Finally caught up with Ringbearer in Rivendell, but cannot get near him as
> is constantly being
> half-drowned in bathtub by burly companion type, and have developed fear
> water since being forced
> to watch dolphin movie 300 times.
> Ugh. Strawberries. Hate strawberries.
> Day Eleven
> Attempt to infiltrate Council of Elrond in lawn ornament disguise
> unsuccessful. Was stashed in
> storage closet by annoying
> Glorfindel, where was trapped for hours while Elrond tried on all Arwen?s
> dresses in front of
> mirror, while muttering something about Legolas not being the prettiest
> after all. Miss days of
> yore, when men were men and dwarves were dwarves, and elves wore trousers.
> Although something to be
> said for Legolas? boots-and-skirt ensemble.
> Day Thirteen
> Left Rivendell, following Fellowship. Sent Elrond anonymous letter telling
> him purple does not suit
> his complexion. Expect to hear screams of rage all the way to Gap of
> Day Fifteen
> Cannot believe men still using hoary old ?Blow the Horn of Gondor? pickup
> line. Remember when
> original plans to have Xylophone of Gondor scrapped by Steward in favor of
> silly-looking horn. Now
> know why.
> Too bad for Isildur?s Heir, who has no Horn of Gondor (and hobbits have
> expressed no interest in his
> stubble collection) since he obviously fancies Frodo. Sam will kill him if
> he tries anything.
> Day Thirty
> V. cold on top of Caradhras. Everyone wants to carry Frodo up mountain.
> Nobody wants to carry me up
> mountain.
> Stowed away in Legolas? backpack but excessive nancing was not good for
> stomach. Have been sick all
> over elf collection of hair care products. Hope he does not notice.
> Day Thirty One
> V. Dark in Mines of Moria. Bad for ogling. Have been following sounds of
> Legolas complaining loudly
> about state of his backpack and dank air of Moria being bad for his skin.
> Gandalf stuck gum in his
> hair while he wasn?t looking. Rather like Gandalf. Always has gum.
> Day Thirty Three
> Met up with Balrog in nattily decorated subterranean bachelor pad. Balrog
> mopey. Still carrying
> torch for Gandalf. Told him best course of action was to try to talk it
> explain to Gandalf that
> while they are two extremely different people, with value systems and
> lifestyles that are in
> complete opposition to each other's, romance not ruled out. Balrog said
> sounded like
> meaningless New Age claptrap. Told Balrog to get out of Second Age, start
> living in the now.
> Day Thirty Four
> Balrog-Gandalf conversation did not go as well as hoped, resulting in gory
> death of both. Perhaps
> was not cut out to be
> matchmaker after all.
> Lurked and observed big hobbit cuddlefest on rocks. Nobody ever wants to
> cuddle me, just because am
> misshapen and covered
> in slime, so unfair. Gimli no big looker either but gets mad schnoogles
> Boromir anyway.
> Day Thirty Six
> In Lothlorien. Attempt to lure Indistinguishable Backup Hobbits away from
> Ringbearer by placing
> carrots around was foiled when Legolas found carrots and used them to make
> facial mask. Aragorn told
> him was embarrassed to be seen with him while face covered in carrot
> Legolas complained he is
> not getting any younger. Aragorn pointed out he wasn?t exactly getting any
> older, either.
> Day Thirty Nine
> Nobody hitting on me. Cannot cope. Off to stalk Ringbearer in Mordor.
> Perhaps after bite off his
> finger and steal Ring, he might not mind having dinner with me. Will just
> have to figure out how to
> get around Sam first.

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