Hahahahaha.. sad sam te zamislio kako beres Lala...lol... onako skakuces po livadi... :-)))

Dachaz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Pa sta ces onda da raids? Da se vozis kanalima i beres lale?



// Dachaz,                              Need a website?
   [EMAIL PROTECTED]            www.dachaz.net

[the cable television transmitter was knocked out]
Tom Tucker: Diane, that last report was so good, you deserve a spanking.
Diane Simmons: Oh, Tom... I don't think your wife would like that.
Tom Tucker: My wife is a bitter old hag, she's in Quahog and cant hear a word
we're saying.
Director: Uh, guys, we're back on in Quahog.

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