Author: jmorliaguet
Date: Thu Nov  3 01:21:35 2005
New Revision: 28919


- access keys doc update

      Thu Nov  3 01:21:35 2005
@@ -21,10 +21,10 @@
-The *accesskey* filter adds support for access keys [1] to web pages.
+The *accesskey* filter adds support for access keys [1] in HTML pages.
-Access keys allow users to go to a given page by pressing a given combination
-of keys on the keyboard (ALT/CTRL, + <KEY> ).
+Access keys allow users to jump to a given page by pressing a combination
+of keys on the keyboard (ALT/CTRL, + <KEY>).
 They can be used to improve the site's accessibility and to add shortcuts in
 the application's interface.
@@ -38,16 +38,29 @@
 An access key configuration consists of:
-- a key (an ascii character)
+- a key (a single character)
-- a URL (fixed strings or expressions)
+- a URL (fixed strings or TAL expressions) [expressions are not implemented
+  yet]
 Key sets
-Access keys are grouped by *sets*.
-Not two same keys may be used inside a same set.
+Access keys are grouped by *sets*. Not two same keys may be used inside a same
+set otherwise there would be some conflicting information.
+Rendered markup
+The filter adds the following HTML markup at the top of rendered pages
+    <div>
+       <a href="@@some-page.html" accesskey="K"></a>
+       <a href="@@some-other-page.html" accesskey="L"></a>
+       ...
+    </div>
 Access key usage
@@ -61,30 +74,123 @@
 - different theme *pages* may use different sets in different *perspectives*.
-Since a key set contain keys that are unique, it is difficult to merge
-several sets, hence pratically only one set -- the effective key set --
-will be used in a given context.
+Since a key set contain unique keys, it is difficult to merge several sets
+into one, so pratically only one set will be used in any given situation.
-Key sets can be defined on the filesystem (read-only) or they can be persistent
-objects stored in the ZODB.
+Key sets can be defined on the filesystem (read-only setup) or they can be
+persistent objects stored in the ZODB [so far only filesystem-based access
+keys have been implemented]
-Rendered markup
+Rendering engine
-The filter adds the following HTML markup at the top of rendered pages
+In the rendering engine's declaration, the access key filter should be
+associated to the IThemePage renderer to make sure that the markup gets
+inserted in the <body> section of the page::
-    <div>
-       <a href="@@some-page.html" accesskey="K"></a>
-       <a href="@@some-other-page.html" accesskey="L"></a>
-       ...
-    </div>
+    xmlns="";>
+  <renderer
+      for="cpsskins.elements.interfaces.IThemePage"
+      engine="some engine">
+    ...
+    <filter
+        name="accesskeys"
+    />
+  </renderer>
+Configuration / setup
+Access key collections are declared in ZCML::
+    xmlns="";>
+  <accesskeys
+      name="front page keys">
+  />
+Access keys can be associated to collections in two ways:
+1) by being inserted inside an <accesskeys /> directive::
+    xmlns="";>
+  <accesskeys
+      name="front page keys">
+      <accesskey
+          key="0"
+          url="@@some-page.html"
+      />
+  </accesskeys>
+In this case the keys are registered at the same time as the collection.
+2) by refering to an existing access key collection:
+    xmlns="";>
+  <accesskey
+      collection="front page keys"
+      key="0"
+      url="@@some-page.html"
+  />
+This method is appropriate in the case where a given engine registers a
+collection and other engines register keys inside the engine's collection.
+Associating access keys to engines
+The <cpsskins:engine /> directive can be used to associate a collection of
+access keys to an engine::
+    xmlns="";>
+  <engine
+      name="default"
+      accesskeys="front page keys"
+  />
+Associating access keys to perspectives
+(access keys associated to perspectives override the keys associated to
-The markup is invisible.

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