Note: Beware! Default reply-to is to the list.

Sounds very interesting! Where can I gat a copy from? Is it in 'print' as well 
as PDF?

On 25 Feb 2011, at 23:53, Anne Wainwright <> wrote:

> Note: Beware! Default reply-to is to the list.
> Hi,
> I downloaded a copy of this some while back and have been reading
> through the chapters. Published in 2010 this is not another 'how
> to' starter book on Perl.
> It is a resume of Perl syntax, useage, & programming in almost 'aide
> memoire' style, with small code snippets to illustrate the immediate
> points. Coverage ranges from Perl Philosophy onwards. The focus is on
> doing things using the best modern perl code elements rather than
> hangover code from years back - however well that code might still work.
> Having read through LEARNING PERL, INTERMEDIATE PERL, and other related
> O'Reilly publications, this was perhaps a good moment to chance upon
> this. I find that it in a concise, structured, and ordered way it covers
> everything that I have sampled in the O'Reilly books (more perhaps
> since all of mine are old editions).
> It does not replace PROGRAMMING PERL or THE PERL COOKBOOK, neither does
> it attempt to teach programming by way of worked examples or by
> developing small applications. Rather it puts together in one place the
> key points of current practice in a systematic way. It is not just a
> bare-bones reference though. Entries are linked to others where needed,
> it does not attempt to explain every option in full detail only those
> of major importance. It does set out to inculcate perl programming
> using modern idioms. 
> The preface states: (I hope this wraps ok for you)
>> Perl turns 23 years old later this year. The language has gone from a
>> simple tool for system administration somewhere between
>> shell scripting and C programming (Perl 1) to a powerful,
>> general-purpose language steeped in a rich heritage (Perl 5) and a
>> consistent, coherent, rethinking of programming in general intended
>> to last for another 25 years (Perl 6).
>> Even so, most Perl 5 programs in the world take far too little
>> advantage of the language. You can write Perl 5 programs as if
>> they were Perl 4 programs (or Perl 3 or 2 or 1), but programs written
>> to take advantage of everything amazing the worldwide
>> Perl 5 community has invented, polished, and discovered are shorter,
>> faster, more powerful, and easier to maintain than their alternatives.
>> Modern Perl is a loose description of how experienced and effective
>> Perl 5 programmers work. They use language idioms. They
>> take advantage of the CPAN. They’re recognizably Perlish, and they
>> show good taste and craftsmanship and a full understandin of Perl.
>> You can learn this too.
> I haven't got Damian Conway's PERL BEST PRACTICE so I cannot compare it
> with that standard work which might be a comparable text.
> Perhaps it would be a good reference for an experienced programmer
> wanting to fast-track their Perl skills. I like it because I find it a
> useful bridge between how I do things and how I should do things and I
> expect it to jerk my Perl up a few notches. It collects every thing
> together in one source that I might have to locate and synthesise from
> many different perl books.
> I don't suppose that every one will like it, but for me it has a place
> in the scheme of things Perl.
> One beef. I have it in .pdf format. The fonts are small and do not
> print out well. You cannot highlight or annotate it which would
> seem a must for me if electronic texts are to be really useful. I don't
> know what if any format supports those actions, none that I have seen
> so far. I'll likely get a print copy.
> best regards
> Anne
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