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Hi Anne
I have an alias 'plt' which just runs perltidy -b. This copies my to and gives as the tidy one.
I've modified my perltidy_rc to do what I want so providing the script
passes a 'perl -cw' it is always what I want.
vi (or rather vim) displays the .bak just as it displays the .pl/ Maybe
it has an 'understanding' .bak built in?
I can post my vimrc if you like.
On a similar note I once chased the lack of syntax highlighting and odd
vi behavior for an hour only to realize that when logged in as myself vi
was aliased to vim but as root it launched the original vi with no bells
and whistles.
If anyone is not using perltidy I can strongly recommend it. It installs
reliably from cpan with'cpan -i Perl::Tidy' on the CL.
On 2011-06-05 13:45, Anne Wainwright wrote:
Note: Beware! Default reply-to is to the list.
when I have run perltidy I like to compare to the original file, but
the extension .pl.tdy does not pick up.
I have been looking this morning but cannot find what I need -
somewhere to add in '.tdy' so that it gets the perl syntax highlighting.
can someone give me a pointer please?
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