LIMA MUSLIM terrorists merencanakan tindak terror antara 2004 dan 2005
di daerah sekita Sydney.  Salah satu simapanannya ialah sebuah rifle dan
28,000 peluru!

Mereka bernggapan bhw Osama ben Lade adalah tokoh besar - a great man!
Gurunya dan mereka percaya bhw jihad dg penuh kekerasan di Australia itu
dibenarkan oleh agama (Islam)!

Semoga orang2 jahat spt ini dijatuhi hukuman berat dan sesudahnya
dipulangkan ke negara Islami asal-usulnya.

Gabriela Rantau

Terrorist plotter had 28,000 rounds of ammo: court
14th November 2008, 14:45 WST

300x600;ord=123456789?>   One of five Sydney men accused of hatching a
terrorist plot had enough ammunition in his home to fire a rifle
non-stop for 38 hours, a jury has been told.
Mohamed Ali Elomar, 43, is standing trial in the New South Wales Supreme
Court over an alleged terror plot conceived between July 2004 and
November 2005.

He and four alleged co-conspirators, Khaled Cheikho, 35, Moustafa
Cheikho, 31, Abdul Rakib Hasan, 39, and 24-year-old Mohammed Omar Jamal
- have each pleaded not guilty to conspiring to commit acts in
preparation for a terrorist act.

Detailing his case against the men for a fourth consecutive day, crown
prosecutor Richard Maidment SC said by July 2005 authorities had begun
raiding homes of the accused men.

A search of Elomar's house allegedly uncovered 12 guns, including
two high-powered rifles and a total 28,000 rounds of ammunition.

Evidence would show it was enough that "one person would take
something like 38 hours of continuous firing to use (it)", Mr
Maidment said.

There were four boxes of hexamine fuel, and documents including a
1000-page manual about paramilitary training and the manufacture of
bombs, Mr Maidment said.

Between July and August 2005 Omar Baladjam, who is also named in the
conspiracy, ordered an additional 20,000 rounds, worth $12,000, said Mr

Raids on the home of Hasan uncovered hexamine fuel tablets, and in the
weeks after the raid he allegedly paid $922 in cash for various
laboratory equipment, the court was told.

On August 27 that year, Hasan also tried to obtain a 77-litre esky,
allegedly for the purpose of cooling explosive chemicals.

Police raiding the premises of another man linked to the plot, Khaled
Sharrouf, allegedly found 24 bottles containing almost 10 litres of
hydrogen peroxide.

The chemical was allegedly hidden in a drain linking Mr Sharrouf's
home to that of Moustafa Cheikho.

In an August 2005 interview with the ABC played to the jury today, the
men's alleged spiritual leader Sheikh Bakr praised Osama bin Laden
as a "great man".

Although he denounced the killing of innocent people, the sheikh said
Muslims were answerable only to Islamic law and had the right to defend
themselves when attacked.

He was evasive when asked whether he believe it was wrong for Australian
Muslims to carry out suicide attacks and said he wanted to "advise
John Howard not to send troops to Iraq or Afghanistan".

The Melbourne cleric visited Sydney in late July 2005 and Elomar, Hasan
and Jamal all visited him at Mr Sharrouf's home.

Moustafa Cheikho also met with the sheikh in Sydney and Mr Maidment said
the men had sought his advice on religious matters as well as in
relation to elements of their plot.

"(He was) supporting the notion of violent jihad taking place in
Australia and supporting what we would call terrorist acts in Australia
justified on religious grounds," Mr Maidment said.

The trial continues next week before Justice Anthony Whealy.


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