Memang benar pelecehan sexual tidak hanya terjadi pada wanita yang tidak
berjilbab, pelecehan sexual bisa saja terjadi pada wanita berjilbab.
Tapi hal tsb tidak berarti jilbabnya harus dibuka kan ???? Pemakaian
jilbab didasarkan pada kepatuhan untuk mengikuti tata aturan berpakaian
bagi seorang muslimah bukan untuk menghindar dari pelecehan sexual.
Kalau tingkah lakunya tidak Islami sehingga menimbulkan pelecehan sexual
tentunya yang salah bukan jilbabnya.

--- In, "gkrantau" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> DI MESIR nan Islami 83% perempuan setempat (tentunya berjilab ato pake
> burga) pernah dilecehkan secara seksual oleh Muslim. 98% perempuan
> pendatang (tourists) juga pernah mengalami pelecehan seksuil.
> Ternyata jilbab tidak mempan dg laki2 yg memang tidak beradab dan gila
> sex.
> Satu2nya jalan agar perempuan tidak menjadi korban pelecehan seksuil
> ialah dg meningkatkan harkat dan martabat kaum perempuan. Selama
> perempuan masih dianggap hina, dianggap sbg sexobject yg hala
> diperlakukan dg jahat - selama itu kaum perempuan akan terus
> Gabriela Rantau
> Cairo teens arrested for 'flirting' November 21, 2008, 6:08 am
> Egyptian police have rounded up hundreds of teenage boys in Cairo in a
> day-long crackdown on sexual harassment.
> "We have arrested a large number of boys who were flirting with
> Cairo's police director Faruq Lashin said.
> About 400 teenagers, aged between 15 and 17, were arrested on
> and will be brought before a judge, he said.
> Police targeted teenagers in front of schools, universities and along
> the Nile's banks, he said.
> The teenagers were expected to be fined, a police official said.
> Women's rights groups in Egypt have long campaigned against sexual
> harassment and assault in Cairo, accusing police of ignoring the
> phenomenon.
> On Monday, a Cairo court jailed a teenager for one year for sexually
> assaulting two women. Another teenager, a 17 year old, is facing trial
> on the same charge.
> At least 34 men were arrested after they allegedly assaulted women in
> affluent Cairo neighbourhood during a Muslim holiday in January.
> Such convictions are relatively rare in Egypt , which does not have a
> law defining sexual harassment, but a court in October sentenced a man
> to three years in jail for groping a woman.
> Women's rights activists welcomed that ruling and said it was
> unprecedented in Egypt .
> The Egyptian Centre for Women's Rights (ECWR) issued a survey this
> summer saying 83 per cent of Egyptian women and 98 per cent of foreign
> women in Egypt had experienced sexual harassment.
> The study said only 12 per cent of the 2,500 women who reported cases
> sexual harassment to ECWR went to the police with their complaint.
> Cairo teens arrested for 'flirting'

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