Terror has no religion, but some parties linking the two: Sonia 

23 Nov 2008, 1701 hrs IST, IANS
NEW DELHI: Terrorism had no religion but some parties were trying to 
associate it with a particular religion or community to further their 
divisive policies, Congress president Sonia Gandhi said Sunday as she 
kicked off her election campaign in the capital. 

Addressing a rally in Delhi, Gandhi said ahead of the Delhi elections 
Nov 29: "Such parties want to grab power at any cost." The Congress 
president avoided naming any political party. 

She said the two biggest challenges before the country are terrorism 
and communalism. "Terrorists have no religion and their only motive 
is to spread terror and fear in the society," she told the gathering 
of thousands packed into the Ramlila Ground in northwest Delhi's 
Mongolpuri locality. 

Taking a dig at the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), she asserted: "The 
BJP wants to form the government for itself while the Congress wants 
to form the government for the people to fight the challenges before 
the country and to continue its development work." 

She said it was the result of the Congress' performance that the 
party was ruling Delhi for the last 10 years under the leadership of 
Chief Minister Sheila Dikshit. 

The BJP could not provide stability in the national capital for it 
had changed three chief ministers during five years of its rule here, 
the Congress president said. 

Gandhi added that even at the centre, all major achievements for the 
country came under Congress rule. "When the first Indian went to 
space, it was our rule and now also when the Chandrayaan is orbiting 
the moon," she said. 

Similarly, the Congress-led central government signed the historic 
India-US nuclear deal to enhance the country's power production. 

Chief Minister Sheila Dikshit also spoke at the rally.  


--- In zamanku@yahoogroups.com, "Hafsah Salim" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> Tak Ada Agama Paling Benar, Tapi Ada Satu Agama Paling Salah !!!
> > muhammad yusuf <yusufswb@> wrote:
> > para netter yang saya hormati
> > tidak lah pantas bagi kita beragumen
> > tentang agama siapa yang paling benar
> > karena semua agama benar dan datang
> > dari satu Maha Pencipta
> >
> Kalo Semua agama bukan Islam mengajarkan bagaimana caranya menolong
> sesama manusia, maka agama Islam mengajarkan bagaimana caranya
> mencelakakan sesama manusia yang bukan Islam, yang murtad, yahudi, 
> penyembah berhala.  Tindakan mencelakakan ini pun juga mengandung
> resiko dimana umat yang mencelakakan ini juga bisa celaka, 
> menanggung resiko inilah yang dinamakan jihad !!!!
> Tidak ada satupun agama yang paling benar.
> Tapi hanya ada satu agama yang pasti paling salah, paling biadab, 
> paling tidak adil, yaitu agama Islam.
> Agama manapun kalo salah dipahami akibatnya cuma kurang pahalanya.
> Beda dengan agama Islam, salah dipahami korban2 berjatuhan akibat
> terror jihad yang jahat.  Salah dipahami umat sesama Islam dijarah
> harta bendanya, dibakar mesjidnya, dan umat lain dibakar gerejanya,
> diperkosa amoy2nya.
> Begitulah bedanya membandingkan agama yang meskipun semuanya bukan
> kebenaran tapi juga bukan kejahatan, sebaliknya hanya Islam selain
> tidak benar juga merupakan agama kejahatan, "The Religion of 
> dan agama yang paling biadab.
> Ny. Muslim binti Muskitawati.

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