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Strange News
New Artificial DNA Points to Alien Life

By Robin Lloyd, LiveScience Senior Editor

posted: 14 February 2009 07:55 pm ET

CHICAGO — A strange, new genetic code a lot like that found in all terrestrial 
life is sitting in a beaker full of oily water in a laboratory in Florida, a 
scientist said today, calling it the first example of an artificial chemical 
system that is capable of Darwinian evolution.

The system is made of the four molecules that are the basic building blocks of 
our DNA along with eight synthetic modifications of them, said biochemist 
Steven A. Benner of the Foundation for Applied Molecular Evolution in 

The main difference between the synthetic molecules and those that make up 
conventional DNA is that Benner's molecules cannot make copies of themselves, 
although that is just "a couple of years" away, he said.

The wild biochemistry finding, described to a small group of reporters today at 
the annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, 
offers ideas about new types of life for scientists to look for beyond our 
planet, or even possibly hidden on our planet.

"Unless it happens to shoot at you with a ray gun, the life that you encounter 
off of Earth will not necessarily have same biochemistry as us," Benner said.

And the step from Benner's system to something that could be called artificial 
life is still large. "There is not enough information in them to build 
organisms," Benner said.

Expanded alphabet for DNA

For some 20 years, Benner's labs have been involved in trying to make 
artificial life or things approximating it, with similar genetic and 
inheritance properties to life on Earth. (Previously, Benner worked at the 
University of Florida.)

He and his colleagues have focused in part on expanding the DNA alphabet to 
develop an "Artificially Expanded Genetic Information System," which now has 
its own supporting molecular biology.

The building blocks of DNA are four chemicals called nucleotides that are 
referred to as A, C, T and G, for short. The nucleotides pair up and bond in 
predictable ways to form the double helix structure of DNA. Benner's new 
nucleotides, which he and his colleagues have named Z, P, V, J, Iso-C, Iso-G, X 
and K, are reshufflings of the constituents of those molecules found in our DNA.

The evolution in this system happens when the 12-letter genetic code makes 
copying mistakes and subsequent sequences have properties that make them more 
liable to get copied. Those sequences would survive in greater numbers than the 
original sequence.

Benner's synthetic approach was conceptualized using "ball and stick plastic 
model chemistry," he said, the technique used by James Watson and Francis Crick 
to arrive at the structure of the DNA molecule in 1953.

The human genome's DNA includes 3 billion base pairs. Some of the molecules 
synthesized in Benner's lab are 81 base pairs long — relatively short.

The molecules are "fed" and grow via a process called the polymerase chain 
reaction (PCR) that allows the molecules to make copies of themselves. Once the 
replication of the molecules in Benner's system is self-catalyzed, without PCR, 
the process is self-sustaining. Benner claims, "then it's artificial life."

Dreaming up extra-terrestrial life

The research resulted from a NASA-funded project to try to understand what life 
might look like beyond Earth. Such life might live in water, but it could also 
live in liquid nitrogen or methane (as speculated for Saturn's moon Titan) and 
in environments with extremely high or low acidity.

The results are published in a technical book, "Life, the Universe and the 
Scientific Method," of which Benner has made about 100 copies to distribute to 
his colleagues.

"One of the ways scientists try to understand life as a universal concept ... 
is you try to make life on your own in the lab," Benner said. "We try to put 
together chemicals that do that."

Any potential life forms made from such molecules would be "so alien in terms 
of their biochemistry that they will not able to eat you," Benner said.

NASA has been involved in searching for extra-terrestrial life along numerous 
avenues for decades, including the Viking mission to Mars in the 1970s and its 
recent missions to the red planet which have searched for signs of habitability 
there. NASA also funds an Astrobiology Institute, which partners with hundreds 
of researchers world-wide who study of the origins, evolution, distribution and 
future of life in the universe

The trick to searching for alien life is how to look for it, said Paul Davies 
of Arizona State University, who also spoke with reporters here today.

"All of the techniques which microbiologists use to [look for alien life] are 
customized to life as we know it," Davies said. "It's no surprise that 
microbiologists haven't come across micro-organisms that seem to have 
relatively different biochemistry."

In the future, more scientists could "talk with Steve Benner," Davies said, "to 
come up with perfectly good molecules that life could use — but doesn't."

    * Breakthrough Could Lead to Artificial Life Forms
    * Genes: The Instruction Manual for Life
    * All About DNA and Genes


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