Libertarian is the only way I've ever voted. But of course i'm always hassled for "wasting my vote". Considering all of the shenanigans in the last and now current "election" that seems pretty meaningless.
 Are any of you guy's aware of the Libertarian party? They've been working for years to try to get people into the congress and even more local positions. The idea being that by the time they might actually get a presidential candidate elected he will have some support to get things done. They have of course been fighting a very entrenched two party system the whole way with only minimal success.
They are to the Republicans what Nader is to the Democrats. They are saying their guy (Badnerik) will make the difference in New Mexico giving the win to Kerry. I find most of their positions easier to endorse than ether of the two big parties. To me they take what's best from both and leave out what's wrong with both. Like Nader they don't have a hope in hell in the presidential election of course.

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