Well, assuming this is all agreed now, I'd like to jump on the end of
the vine please:

<< [EMAIL PROTECTED] << mr. Skull << thierry
 Neil (UK) <<

--- In Zappa-List@yahoogroups.com, "Joe Della Posta" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Richard, Here is my take on this situation.
> Based on what I have been sent from this Vine, I have a combined
Vine version as I see it.  
> This New & Improved Vine is based on the time stamp from the posted
Zappa-List emails.
> Moving through each posting (A through G), I have added names based
on when the 
> Zappa-List posted them.
> I hope we are all agree on this. If not, you know who to blame (The
mail system).
> Regards:
> Joe.DP
> << [EMAIL PROTECTED] << mr. Skull << thierry
barbier([EMAIL PROTECTED]) <
> < [EMAIL PROTECTED] << [EMAIL PROTECTED] << ullmannnick@<<
> A)
> Monday, September 26, 2005 3:32 PM
> Subject: [Zappa-List] New VO: Uncle Meat, Video From Hell & 200
Motels True Story (3 DVD NTSC)
> B)
> Sent: Monday, September 26, 2005 5:04 PM
> Subject: [Zappa-List] New VO: Uncle Meat, Video From Hell & 200
Motels True Story (3 DVD NTSC)
> << [EMAIL PROTECTED] << mr. Skull << thierry barbier([EMAIL PROTECTED]) 
> C)
> Sent: Tuesday, September 27, 2005 4:11 AM
> Subject: [Zappa-List] Re: New VO: Uncle Meat, Video From Hell & 200
Motels True Story (3 DVD NTSC)
> << michaelpainter@ <<ullmannnick@<< [EMAIL PROTECTED] <<
> D)
> Sent: Tuesday, September 27, 2005 4:12 AM
> Subject: [Zappa-List] Re: New VO: Uncle Meat, Video From Hell & 200
Motels True Story (3 DVD NTSC)
> << michaelpainter@ <<ullmannnick@<< [EMAIL PROTECTED] <<
> E)
> Sent: Tuesday, September 27, 2005 12:43 PM
> Subject: [Zappa-List] New VO: Uncle Meat, Video From Hell & 200
Motels True Story (3 DVD NTSC)
> << michaelpainter@ <<ullmannnick@<< [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> F)
> From: Richard
> To: Zappa-List@yahoogroups.com
> Sent: Friday, September 30, 2005 7:12 PM
> Subject: Re: [Zappa-List] Re: New VO: Uncle Meat, Video From Hell &
200 Motels True Story (3 DVD NTSC)
> << michaelpainter@ <<ullmannnick@<< [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> < Richard Moore UK <<
> G)
> To: <Zappa-List@yahoogroups.com>
> Subject: Re: [Zappa-List] New VO: Uncle Meat, Video From Hell & 200
> True Story (3 DVD NTSC)
> Date: Sat, 1 Oct 2005 01:16:32 +0100
> I found these two totally different lines....so, its not all me..it was 
> messed up before I messed it up....
> << [EMAIL PROTECTED] << mr. Skull << thierry barbier ( 
> and
> << michaelpainter@ <<ullmannnick@<< [EMAIL PROTECTED] <<
>   ----- Original Message ----- 
>   From: Richard 
>   To: Zappa-List@yahoogroups.com 
>   Sent: Sunday, October 02, 2005 9:06 AM
>   Subject: Re: [Zappa-List] New VO: Uncle Meat, Video From Hell &
200 Motels True Story (3 DVD NTSC)
>   Hi Joe,
>             since you seem to have the best grip on the
whereabouts/members of the two split vines, could we ask you to merge
them in an appropriate manner please. You were sitting on one arm of
this split vine and secure in receiving it, so maybe you would be the
best referee as to where Luis and I should fit in the line. I am happy
to be anywhere on the line so long as I am in the line somewhere. I am
sure this will solve the problem since you would be acting impartially
so to speak.
>   Maybe im talking *ollocks, lol..but it might just work. any
complaints please write to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>     ----- Original Message ----- 
>     From: Joe Della Posta 
>     To: Zappa-List@yahoogroups.com 
>     Sent: Sunday, October 02, 2005 1:51 PM
>     Subject: [Zappa-List] New VO: Uncle Meat, Video From Hell & 200
Motels True Story (3 DVD NTSC)
>     A new list, I am not sure that a new one is needed.  Just want
to get on the Vine that is real & growing.  
>     If you put them together that would be fine with me.  
>     If there are any further ideas on why two Vines got started, it
would be helpful in the future to prevent this type of false /
uncontrolled growth.  I know our goals are to share this great music
without a lot of overhead.
>     Regards
>     Joe.DP
>       ----- Original Message ----- 
>       From: Richard 
>       To: Zappa-List@yahoogroups.com 
>       Sent: Sunday, October 02, 2005 5:31 AM
>       Subject: Re: [Zappa-List] New VO: Uncle Meat, Video From Hell
& 200 Motels True Story (3 DVD NTSC)
>       Hi Everyone...So are we making a new list for this? 
>         ----- Original Message ----- 
>         From: lusi tanio 
>         To: Zappa-List@yahoogroups.com 
>         Sent: Saturday, October 01, 2005 2:59 PM
>         Subject: Re: [Zappa-List] New VO: Uncle Meat, Video From
Hell & 200 Motels True Story (3 DVD NTSC)
>         I don´t think there is a pal vine. Let´s blame the
computers. But is clear that somehow two vines grow up. I think we
should make a new list, I don´t bother to be at the tail.
>         Luis
>         Richard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>           Hi Nick and all,
>                                  I think it was planned to have 2
vines for PAL and NTSC, because I asked Michael about that and was
waiting for the PAL to show up. I am pretty sure it didn't..But
because Michaels has been busy and I didn't want to pester him, and I
couldn't wait, I jumped in on the NTSC very late.
>           So that cant be the reason why there seems to be two
lines....What is the agreed correct line now? I will join the end.
>             ----- Original Message ----- 
>             From: Nick Ullmann 
>             To: Zappa-List@yahoogroups.com 
>             Sent: Saturday, October 01, 2005 8:23 AM
>             Subject: Re: [Zappa-List] New VO: Uncle Meat, Video From
Hell & 200 Motels True Story (3 DVD NTSC)
>             Hi, I think you'll find there are two vines - one PAL
for Europe and one 
>             NTSC for the USA.
>             I haven't received from Michael yet, will let you know
when it does,
>                                     Kind Regards, nick
>             ----Original Message Follows----
>             From: "Richard" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>             Reply-To: Zappa-List@yahoogroups.com
>             To: <Zappa-List@yahoogroups.com>
>             Subject: Re: [Zappa-List] New VO: Uncle Meat, Video From
Hell & 200 Motels 
>             True Story (3 DVD NTSC)
>             Date: Sat, 1 Oct 2005 01:16:32 +0100
>             I found these two totally different lines....so, its not
all me..it was 
>             messed up before I messed it up....
>             << [EMAIL PROTECTED] << mr. Skull << thierry barbier ( 
>             and
>             << michaelpainter@ <<ullmannnick@<<
>             I can't pass on this Vine, so here it goes again with a
promise to pass to 
>             the next.
>             Regards:
>             Joe.DP
>                ----- Original Message -----
>                From: Joe Della Posta
>                To: Zappa-List@yahoogroups.com
>                Sent: Saturday, October 01, 2005 12:36 AM
>                Subject: [Zappa-List] New VO: Uncle Meat, Video From
Hell & 200 Motels 
>             True Story (3 DVD NTSC)
>                Now guys I am really confused:  This is what I have sent.
>                What do you think is happening??  As of [EMAIL PROTECTED] I
was on this Vine.
>                Where am I???
>                Help Please
>                Joe.DP
>                ----- Original Message -----
>                From: Joe Della Posta
>                To: Zappa-List@yahoogroups.com
>                Sent: Tuesday, September 27, 2005 12:43 PM
>                Subject: [Zappa-List] New VO: Uncle Meat, Video From
Hell & 200 Motels 
>             True Story (3 DVD NTSC)
>                << michaelpainter@ <<ullmannnick@<<
>                [EMAIL PROTECTED] << [EMAIL PROTECTED] <<
>                I can't pass on this Vine, so here it goes again with
a promise to pass 
>             to the next.
>                Regards:
>                Joe.DP
>                  ----- Original Message -----
>                  From: Richard
>                  To: Zappa-List@yahoogroups.com
>                  Sent: Friday, September 30, 2005 7:12 PM
>                  Subject: Re: [Zappa-List] Re: New VO: Uncle Meat,
Video From Hell & 200 
>             Motels True Story (3 DVD NTSC)
>                  << michaelpainter@ <<ullmannnick@<<
>                  [EMAIL PROTECTED] Luis  << Richard Moore UK <<
>                  hey luis, its my fault most likely..i tried to find
the end of the line 
>             and messed up...sorry..
>                    ----- Original Message -----
>                    From: lusi tanio
>                    To: Zappa-List@yahoogroups.com
>                    Sent: Friday, September 30, 2005 10:26 PM
>                    Subject: Re: [Zappa-List] Re: New VO: Uncle Meat,
Video From Hell & 
>             200 Motels True Story (3 DVD NTSC)
>                    humm....somehow I disappear from the list. Is
there another branch of 
>             this vine? Michael? Sofa?
>                    thanks, Luis
>                    Richard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>                      << michaelpainter@ <<ullmannnick@<<
>                      [EMAIL PROTECTED] << Richard Moore UK <<
>                      Thanks
>                        ----- Original Message -----
>                        From: Michael Painter
>                        To: Zappa-List@yahoogroups.com
>                        Sent: Tuesday, September 27, 2005 9:12 AM
>                        Subject: [Zappa-List] Re: New VO: Uncle Meat,
Video From Hell & 
>             200 Motels True Story (3 DVD NTSC)
>                        << michaelpainter@ <<ullmannnick@<<
>             <<
>                        [EMAIL PROTECTED] <<
>                        --- In Zappa-List@yahoogroups.com, "larksss2003" 
>             <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>                        > Hi Michael
>                        >
>                        > Please,include me in the vine,I promise to 
>             revine,regards,Alexandre.
>                        >
>                        >
>                        >
>                        >
>                        > --- In Zappa-List@yahoogroups.com, "Michael
>                        > <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>                        > > << [EMAIL PROTECTED] <<
>                        > >
>                        > > 
>                        > ----
>                        > > Remember onlist(on the group) replies,
not OFFLIST! for 
>             Zappa-List
>                        > > 
>                        > --
>                        > > Hi Folks,
>                        > >
>                        > > well sofa has agreed that I can vine
these so here goes...
>                        > >
>                        > >
>                        > > Michael.
>                        > > 
>                        > ---
>                        > >
>                        > > details....
>                        > >
>                        > > Uncle Meat.
>                        > > ===========
>                        > >
>                        > > Songs include:
>                        > > The Uncle Meat Variations, Dog Breath, In
The Year Of The 
>             Plague,
>                        > Mr.
>                        > > GreenGenes, Holiday In Berlin Full-Blown,
Mother People, I'm 
>             Not
>                        > > Satisfied,Tengo Na Minchia Tanta (Written
by Frank Zappa and 
>             Massimo
>                        > > Bassoli)
>                        > >
>                        > > The was movie started in 67 with the
original Mothers of 
>             Invention.
>                        > > Finished in88 or 89 and released on
videotape. The movie has
>                        > basically
>                        > > 2 parts to it.
>                        > > One is based on the live concert footage
of the Mothers plus 
>             a small
>                        > > orchestra in the London Festival Hall in
68. This footage is 
>             based
>                        > on
>                        > > the story of members of the band quitting
to start their own 
>             band
>                        > > eitherbecause they want a band of all
disciplined music or 
>             they want
>                        > > to escape from under Zappa's shadow and
play real rock and 
>             roll. The
>                        > > remainder of the movie is made up of Dom
DeWild (Don Preston)
>                        > > pretending to be a Jeckyl and Hyde sort.
Really wierd. There 
>             are
>                        > also
>                        > > some videos of the band for the songs Mr.
Green Genes and 
>             Holiday in
>                        > > Berlin (from Burnt Weenie Sandwich). The
concert footage is 
>             good and
>                        > > the videos are fun, but the rest is just
plain bizzare.
>                        > >
>                        > > 
>                        > > Video From Hell.
>                        > > ================
>                        > >
>                        > > Includes:
>                        > >
>                        > >     * "Video From Hell" Animated Sequence
by Bruce Bickford, 
>             c.
>                        > 1974-78
>                        > >     * "G-Spot Tornado" c. 1962-63
>                        > >     * Sigma TV Interview, December 19, 1986
>                        > >     * Excerpts from Secrets Of The U.M.R.K.
>                        > >     * St. Etienne, France, May 28, 1982
by Thomas Nordegg
>                        > >     * Ex Mattatoio di Testaccio, Rome,
Italy, July 9, 1982
>                        > >     * "You Are What You Is"
>                        > >     * Excerpts from Uncle Meat, 1970
(included some unused 
>             footage)
>                        > >     * Pinewood Studios, January-February,
1971 from The True 
>             Story
>                        > Of
>                        > > 200 Motels
>                        > >     * Hotel Room, Berlin, 1968 (from
Uncle Meat)
>                        > >     * MOI Live Footage, Los Angeles, late
1968 by Cal 
>             Schenkel (from
>                        > > Uncle Meat)
>                        > >     * Adelaide Tonight, NWS Channel Nine,
Australia, 1973
>                        > >     * The Palladium, NYC, October, 1977
(from Baby Snakes)
>                        > >     * MOI 8mm Home Movies, 1969 by
Motorhead Sherwood (from 
>             Uncle
>                        > Meat)
>                        > >     * Royal Festival Hall, October, 1968
(from Uncle Meat)
>                        > >     * 1967 MOI Recording Session for
We're Only In It For The 
>             Money
>                        > > (from Uncle Meat)
>                        > >     * 1967 MOI at Garrick Theater (from
Uncle Meat)
>                        > >     * We're Only In It For The Money
Album Cover Photo 
>             Session (from
>                        > > Uncle Meat)
>                        > >     * Live 1967 MOI Unidentified Footage
(Ripping the covers 
>             of the
>                        > > albums) (from Uncle Meat)
>                        > >     * Elliott Ingber Interview
>                        > >     * Metz, France, June 22, 1982
>                        > >     * Eric Malkin "I Need Your Love"
>                        > >     * Excerpts from An American Dissident
>                        > >     * Zappa Testimony before the Maryland
State Legislature,
>                        > February
>                        > > 14, 1986
>                        > >     * Early 1986 Maryland TV Interview
>                        > >
>                        > > The music:
>                        > >
>                        > >     * Video From Hell (unidentified
Synclavier music)
>                        > >     * G-Spot Tornado from Jazz From Hell
>                        > >     * St. Etienne from Jazz From Hell
>                        > >     * Stevie's Spanking from You Can't Do
That On Stage 
>             Anymore
>                        > Vol. 1
>                        > >     * You Are What You Is from You Are
What You Is
>                        > >     * Night School from Jazz From Hell
>                        > >     * Dog Breath, In The Year Of The
Plague from Uncle Meat
>                        > >     * King Kong from Baby Snakes (The Movie)
>                        > >     * Mother People from We're Only In It
For The Money 
>             (1987)
>                        > >     * Mr. Green Genes from Uncle Meat
>                        > >     * King Kong from You Can't Do That On
Stage Anymore Vol. 
>             3
>                        > >     * Bogus Pomp from L.S.O. Vol. II
>                        > >
>                        > > 
>                        > -
>                        > > 200 Motels, the true story..
>                        > > =============================
>                        > >
>                        > >    True Story of 200 Motels
>                        > >    A one-hour documentary on the making
of Frank Zappa's 
>             bizarre
>                        > >    1971 comic musical. Vintage private
footage from Frank's 
>             personal
>                        > >    archives plus behind-the-scenes of the
actual shooting and
>                        > >    recording.  With Ringo Starr, Theodore
Bikel, Keith Moon 
>             and such
>                        > >    songs as "Sleeping in a Jar," and
"Strictly Genteel." The 
>             inside
>                        > >    history of the first feature-length
film to be shot on 
>             video in 6
>                        > >    days. 60 mins.
>                For further Z-related fun, please visit
http://www.thebignote.com or 
>             http://www.killuglyradio.com , thank you.
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