Hey Kids!
I thought I'd provide a final update in regards to the amateur Theater 
Competition I've been in.
Our group went to Schaumburg, Illinois this past weekend to represent the state 
of Michigan in the American Association of Community Theaters Region 3 
competition. We competed against the best from 4 other states: Wisconsin, 
Illinois, Indiana, & Ohio.
We did not win - we did not place; we were stunned, as we had performed very 
But that's the way it goes, I guess...
The experience was tremendously educational and rewarding. I've never been more 
proud of my association with a group of performers as I was this past weekend.
Our group did receive an award, given by the technical staff of the venue, for 
being the Best group to work with; I guess we made fewer demands on them than 
the other groups. And I won the award for Excellence in Sound Design (yes, SOFA 
did what SOFA does best, by creating a soundtrack for the show).
Sorry to bore anyone; I just had to tell ya!

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