Hi everyone,

regarding the fallback solution (as is done for the database), I will
be glad to implement it, however I won't have time before this

Benoît Knecht:
> Sebastian Ramacher wrote:
>> Benoît Knecht wrote:
>> > It would also be great if you could do localization on the message
>> > strings (using "_()"). It doesn't look like any of the girara_warning
>> > strings in zathura are localized, but I don't see any reason why not.
>> I think we decided to keep all the girara_{info,debug,warning,error}
>> messages unlocalized since they are only meant to be additional info.
>> Proper error messages should be displayed with girara_notify. There are
>> enough places where that's not the case, though.
> I could perhaps understand that point for girara_debug, because it's in
> principle not meant to be shown to or understood by end-users; but I
> don't see how it holds for girara_warning, and even more so for
> girara_error (the end-user should definitely know what went wrong there,
> and if they don't understand English, they can't).
> But that's a more general point, and shouldn't be addressed in this
> patch alone.
> Do you think it would be worth localizing all those strings, or do you
> prefer to stick with the way things are now?

So I conclude that the localization of girara_{...} messages will be
left for another patch?

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