Hi Jakob

On 2016-02-03 13:35:49, Jakob Hetzelein wrote:
> yesterday, Arch Linux shipped the new version of zathura (0.3.4) and
> included the patch¹ that was posted by Leonardo in its build script².
> When I tried to use zathura with synctex today, I couldn't get it to
> work. I used the same framework [vimtex] as yesterday, the only
> difference being the new version of zathura.
> This is what happens:
> zathura -x "vim --servername VIM --remote +\%{line} \%{input}"
> /home/jakob/masterthesis/masterthesis.pdf
> error: Error parsing command line arguments: Unknown option -x
> I described it all in a little more detail in a vimtex issue³.
> Am I right in concluding that the new patch disables synctex support by
> default now? How to enable it at compile time? Sorry if the answer to
> this is obvious but I'm no expert at compiling programmes myself and
> didn't find it in the README nor could I get it from the Makefile.

This patch does not disable synctex by default. This patch makes zathura not
fail to build if libsynctex is not available. You need to build zathura against
libsynctex to have synctex support.

As stated in the README file:

libsynctex from TeXLive (optional, for SyncTeX support)

So please ask the Arch Linux maintainer to build it against libsynctex.

(We shipped a copy of libsynctex before. But now Arch Linux has a new enough
texlive that is able to build a libsynctex, so we dropped it.)

Sebastian Ramacher
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