On Wed, Jul 1, 2020 at 1:59 AM Robin Sommer <ro...@corelight.com> wrote:
> > Log::default_rotation_dir
> Seems we should then set this to "." by default, and have the cluster
> framework override it.

Yes, exactly.

> Once moved, I suppose we would continue to optionally run a
> post-processor, right? For a supervised cluster, we wouldn't use that
> and suggest that people go with "zeek-archive" instead; but with
> ZeekControl we'd keep the current behavior of gzipping behavior so
> that we don't break any setups.

Yes, with the proposed changes, custom postprocessors still work the
same as before and everything is backwards compatible / equivalent in

Supervised-mode is just picking some different default settings from

* don't use a postprocessing script (archive-log)
* rotate into a `Log::default_rotation_dir` of "log-queue" instead of "."

> Not sure it's worth retaining the information about the post-processor
> function, and it could to potentially lead to trouble if the function
> changed somehow in between (or disppeared). We could instead just run
> the leftovers through whatever the restarted config says to do with
> files.

* Disappeared: easy to notice the function no longer exists and
fallback to default post-processor

* Changed: running through a function of same-name, but it happened to
get changed between restart is probably still going to be closer to
what user expects than running it through the default post-processor
which is completely different ?

> Do we even need any other meta data at all in the new scheme? I'm
> wondering if we could simplify this all to: "If at open() time, X.log
> exists, first rotate it away through the currently configured
> postprocessor function".

What if an open() rarely or never happens again for a given log?

I'm thinking the rotation of leftover logs needs to happen once at
startup rather than lazily.

> Hmm, actually, there's a piece of meta that we'll need: the opening
> timestamp, so that one can incorporate that into the name of the
> rotated file (assuming we want to retain that capability). Unless we
> parsed that out of the X.log itself ...

Don't think we'd have the opening timestamp to parse from the log when

So still think it's necessary to obtain open-time meta from a
`.shadow.X.log`, either it's explicitly in there or use the files
modified time (essentially creation time).

The close-time of X.log is just taken as last-modified time of X.log.

- Jon
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