Yes Anthony they are.  At the very least mine was. 

--- On Mon, 5/9/11, Anthony Wu <> wrote:

From: Anthony Wu <>
Subject: Re: [Zen] Re: Mahayana
Date: Monday, 5 September, 2011, 14:08


Very touching story. Wolves are like dogs, very loyal animals, more so than 
human beings.

--- On Mon, 5/9/11, Maria Lopez <> wrote:

From: Maria Lopez <>
Subject: Re: [Zen] Re: Mahayana
Date: Monday, 5 September, 2011, 3:41 PM


I'm vey glad to hear that the animal's forest can count on you protecting them 
against the hunters.  It must be difficult to do this.  What kind of actions do 
you take to prevent them from hunting?.  If they're legal you may not be able 
to do much.  
Do you have to kill the chickens yourself in order to feed the foxes or do you 
get the meat food from somewhere else?
When my sisters and myself were little my parents move from the Capital City to 
a different province in the Countryside.  My father got us a wolf curb that my 
mother fed with milk.  We were brought up with the baby wolf.  He grow  very 
fast and was most protective to us children.  We could do everything we wanted 
to him that he won't bite us.  The only thing we couldn't do was to approach 
him while he was having his fresh large meat my mother used to get for him in 
the market.  While he was having his meal he was most voracious and dangerous 
creature with very sharp long white shiny teeth.  But when he was not eaten I 
could touch his teeth, his ears, and playing at any game.  I remember him as 
the most protective loving playable friend from my childhood.  When my parents 
were out during the day our wolf took care of us.  He would have given his own 
life for us little children.  It was an amazing friend. 

--- On Fri, 2/9/11, Edgar Owen <> wrote:

From: Edgar Owen <>
Subject: Re: [Zen] Re: Mahayana
Date: Friday, 2 September, 2011, 21:48


I have other houses a ways off on one side but big forest on the other side 
where the wild animals live. I get many different kinds of animals, deer, 
bears, raccoon, possums, skunks, wild turkey, eagles, osprey, hawks, otters, 
beaver, mink, and many others. 

The raccoons come right up to me for food, the fox comes up a few feet away, 
the deer very close too, the chipmunks climb all over me and I feed them from 
my hand. They especially like peanuts....

It is very peaceful except for hunting season when I have to deal with those 


On Sep 2, 2011, at 4:27 PM, Maria Lopez wrote:


Are there any other houses near yours?.   It sounds as a healthy way of living. 
If animals approach you in that way means that they can sense you care about 
them.  They're very sensitive to vibrations, energy and body language.    
Differently they would be hidden from you and stealing food when you were not 
Some springs ago there was a crow that used to wait for me near the park I fed 
the birds.  Then it would stay just about some foot distance from me and going 
with me to the park.  If I would be stopping the crow will stop too.  I was 
overwhelmed by the way we used to interact with each other.  Only had that kind 
of experience with a human at the time of them about to live their bodies.  A 
black cat from the neighbourhood last Saturday softly miaow when I passed near 
it and forgot to greet it!.  And when I tell the cat, "Sorry!, I was distracted 
and didn't see you.  How are you?".  The cat then started to move in that 
particular way cats do when they relate themselves with other animals.  And the 
language again was the same as with the crow.  I'm sure you know what I mean if 
you have yourself that kind of interaction with the animals that approach your 
home place.
Does the fox allows you to caress it or being any near it?.  What kind of 
expression has it when looks at you?.  Never see a real fox in my life.  What 
other animals approach your home?

--- On Fri, 2/9/11, Edgar Owen <> wrote:

From: Edgar Owen <>
Subject: Re: [Zen] Re: Mahayana
Date: Friday, 2 September, 2011, 19:05


I live in the woods and have lots of animal visitors since they know they can 
trust me. Fox likes roast chicken and dog food and various food scraps... 

On Sep 2, 2011, at 12:33 PM, Maria Lopez wrote:


Wow Edgar!.  And it goes to your door everyday?.  What kind of food do you give 
to it?.  It's such a cute animal!.  Here in Europe those animals are very 
frightened by humans and they don't let themselves being seeing.  And here in 
the UK with the sport of hunting foxes...well you can imagine that they do well 
to remain in the hidden.  Mayka
--- On Fri, 2/9/11, Edgar Owen <> wrote:

From: Edgar Owen <>
Subject: Re: [Zen] Re: Mahayana
Date: Friday, 2 September, 2011, 16:26


Hi Mayka, 

A real 4 legged animal red fox. Much more enlightening than a visit by a human 


On Sep 2, 2011, at 11:12 AM, Maria Lopez wrote:


A real four legs animal or something else?
--- On Thu, 1/9/11, Edgar Owen <> wrote:

From: Edgar Owen <>
Subject: Re: [Zen] Re: Mahayana
Date: Thursday, 1 September, 2011, 23:08


I feed a fox every day at my door.... He should be here soon.... 


On Sep 1, 2011, at 5:58 PM, Anthony Wu wrote:


Do you give food to foxes? You must, because you may run into Bill or me.

--- On Thu, 1/9/11, Maria Lopez <> wrote:

From: Maria Lopez <>
Subject: Re: [Zen] Re: Mahayana
Date: Thursday, 1 September, 2011, 11:39 PM


Can you give a description and give an example of the way you incorporate 
Buddha Mind in your daily active life?   Is it Buddha Mind applied in daily 
activities the same as mindfulness?.  This is to verify if are the same thing 
or there is something different. 
My practice is similar to yours with the difference that sitting down or zazen 
sessions lack of your daily discipline and there are days still of zero sitting 
down. I make up a bit with it with the applicationof mindfulness in different 
activities during the day such as walking in the park, giving food to the birds 
once a week after collecting hard bread for them.  Birds are very grateful for 
that specially in winter time. While awakening in the morning, leaving my bed, 
going to the bath,  brushing my teeth, shower and all the rest of toilette time 
including the one of evacuating. I've  also train myself in the use reminders 
such as the ring of phone.  As soon as I hear the first ring  Instead of 
picking it up immediately I stop and use my conscious breathing and pick up the 
phone at the third ring. Other bell reminder are the traffic lights.  As soon 
as I see red it brings me back to my conscious breathing till it changes to 

--- On Thu, 1/9/11, Bill! <> wrote:

From: Bill! <>
Subject: [Zen] Re: Mahayana
Date: Thursday, 1 September, 2011, 2:42



I do consider zen my practice.

I acknowledge that most people classify it as a subset/sect of Mahayana 
Buddhism, but I do not consider zen a subset of or co-dependent on Buddhism. In 
fact I consider zen the core Buddhism was built around - like a 
cultural-specific presetation layer.

I can't speak for those that consider themselves Mahayana Buddhists, but my 
practice consists of shikantaza (clear-mind meditation) which is usually 
associated with zazen (seated meditation) but can be practiced any where at any 
time under any conditions. I sometimes refer to that state of clear-mind (or 
no-mind) as 'Buddha Mind'. My personal practice is to incorporate Buddha Mind 
more and more into my daily life.

The core teaching of my zen practice is 'Just THIS!.


--- In, Jue Miao Jing Ming - 覺妙精明 
<chan.jmjm@...> wrote:
> Dear Forum,
> Do you consider "Zen/zen/your practice" a Mahayana practice? If so, how 
> does Mahayana actually practice? What is its core teaching?
> Thank you in advance, jm
> -- 
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