Self appears/is born. No-self doesn't appear/is unborn. Realize these are but aspects of mind, no difference.


On 9/2/2012 12:05 PM, mike brown wrote:

Very good! You must have given that a lot of thought ; )

>Self can be found nowhere else

Of course. Self/Buddha Nature/Awareness is unborn (and therefore never dies) and so is ever present regardless of what we are thinking/doing. But suffering arises when we think there is an independent 'I' having those thoughts. That we have this Realisation is the difference. How this Realisation manifests is unimportant. For some it will be sudden for others gradual. But you're correct that Self alwaysis.


*From:* Kristopher Grey <>
*Sent:* Sunday, 2 September 2012, 15:42
*Subject:* Re: [Zen] Re: " dancing with the daffodils"

On 9/2/2012 7:05 AM, mike brown wrote:
> But if you do find yourself thinking, just come back gently to the breath.

A tri-ku for you:

With each rise and fall
The breath is grasped and released
Each, a birth and death

Immersed in thinking
Self can be found nowhere else
Always lost in thought

Mind, a stream of thought
Following, or flowing by
The way, like water

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