Attention means: attention

There is no subject, no object, no goals

Still writing from a sunny patio
On Oct 26, 2012 2:24 PM, "Merle Lester" <> wrote:

>  mike: to which one?..merle
> Depends how much attention I'm paying ;)
>   why mike ... we are all but buddhas and demons..which one are you?..merle
> Merle,
> Whilst it is true that Siddhartha Gautama out-grew his teachers to become
> The Buddha, and it's true that anyone can become a Buddha ('Buddha'
> simply means 'one who has awoken'). But having said that...  a Siddhartha
> Gautama, Edgar ain't!
> Mike
>   ------------------------------
> *From:* Merle Lester <>
> *To:* "" <>
> *Sent:* Friday, 26 October 2012, 21:44
> *Subject:* [Zen] the teacher
> joe..again i ask who was buddha's teacher?..merle
> Merle,
> It's one's practice of a koan that enables it to open and reveal what it
> treats of. That revelation comes from your nature, not the koan's. And it's
> you who opens, not the koan. The koan can do nothing without your practice.
> The marrow of Zen is not conveyed by reading. The text is simply medicine.
> With the restoration of your own health comes awakening, not before.
> There is no understanding of Zen, in fact.
> In Zen, we speak of one's "understanding", and what is meant is one's
> realization, one's awakening.
> "Understanding" in Zen is not an intellectual appreciation that one holds,
> nor a poetic metaphor that one holds.
> Expressions of Zen, or expressions of one's realization do not always come
> through words. There are other ways: painting, martial arts, cooking,
> archery, poetry, gardening, arranging flowers, making tea, drinking tea,
> washing, cleaning, brushing the teeth, driving a car, etc.
> Koan practice is a medical treatment of oneself carried out by oneself in
> consultation with a Specialist, a Zen teacher. Otherwise,
> without the specialist at hand, it is Quackery.
> --Joe
> > Merle Lester <merlewiitpom@...> wrote:
> >
> > understanding of zen was it reached to the bone of the
> matter...merle

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