On 12/12/2012 10:48 AM, Chris Austin-Lane wrote:
Now is the time for the Churchill quote about democracy being the worst form of government except for all the alternatives.

Like hard cases making bad law, pithy comments can make for poor reasoning. IS democracy /really/ better than all the alternatives? I submit that it is not, if for no other reason than the previously posted analysis that it inevitably segues into communism. We also have the empirical data, revealing that it is a disaster. A case can be made that the /original /US constitution was the best of a bad lot as governments go. I favor anarchy. Yes, I know that it wont work in a crowded industrial world because people will self-organize or another nation will usurp the territory in a state of anarchy, but that overcrowded industrialized world will soon collapse, and anarchy will be the natural state of existence again, as it was for all of human existence prior to agriculture.

So /no-thing/ needs to be done, as there is no practical 'solution' (one that could be enacted by popular will, from 'here') to optimize the current state of human existence except to endure it, for the time being.


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