trees are my friends too joe..merle

Fine enough.

But trees have always been Friends.

My ex- also used to sleep up in trees when she was a child.  Remarkable: it 
could have gone badly!

Even though I butcher trees to make things for Buddhist temples and teachers, I 
have trees as friends, everywhere.  North and South.

But I plant trees assiduously to make up for what I cull.

It's not just Buddhist temples and teachers who "like" what I do / make, it 
should also be everybody.  The carbon in my sticks, etc., is sequestered, until 
somebody thinks to burn these artifacts.  Some of my things may last hundreds 
of years, my vanity, prejudice, hope, and expectation suspects / expects.

I sign my stuff.  But no one knows me.  Nor, will know me in 300 years.  Unless 
someone speaks up.

No comment about "drugs".  Done; done.  Did I say, "done"?  Done.

Trees are blameless.  Only drug-takers implicate trees, in any funny ways.

Not wood-butchers.


> "Bill!" <BillSmart@...> wrote:
> But it is related to a recent thread concerning drug usage.
> Anyway I thought this one was just too good not to share...


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