Well, not fixed yet. But here are some more learnings:
        You cannot trucate Zenoss' Data.fs willy-nilly. Maybe you can for other 
Zope sites, but Zenoss doesn't like it.

        The repozo.py (http://wiki.zope.org/ZODB/FileStorageBackup) script is 
helpful for live backups of the Zope object database. And sometimes for 
restores, too.

        ZEO is not a very chatty server, even in DEBUG mode. Tailing the log 
file can be pretty boring when it's frozen trying to open up a 37GB data store.

I had what I thought was a stalled ZEO process, usually caused by failing to 
open the Data.fs. But now zeopack.py is running, and I can see the connections 
in the zeo.log, so maybe it is working...

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