
>> There are two issues here:
>> 1. This P2P socket (it is a bound socket) does not come up in the
>> POLLOUT state.  The other socket (the one that connects) does come up
>> in the POLLOUT state.
> Yes. P2P is not completely polished yet. On the binding side of the
> connection the availability for writing is not immediate. I'll try to fix it
> asap, however, I am not sure whether it get into this week's release
> (2.0-beta3).

OK great.

>> 2. The additional "Bad file descriptor" shows up only some of the time.
> This one - or a very similar one - was already reported on QNX by Armin
> Steinhoff. Isn't there accidentally a tool similar to strace on OSX? If so,
> can you strace the problem? (Unfortunately, no OSX here.)

I ran dtrace/dtruss on it, but I am not sure it is useful.  Because
the bad file descriptor only occurs ~1/10 of the time, it is difficult
to know that I have a dtrace output that shows the actual error.  I
can send you the output, but I am not sure how you would use it.



Brian E. Granger, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Physics
Cal Poly State University, San Luis Obispo
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