On Sat, Sep 4, 2010 at 2:25 AM, Kelly Brock <ke...@inocode.com> wrote:

>  Just a thought, it may be a good idea to specifically
> state that is the case in the documentation.  I.e. "If there are no
> connections, all messages are simply dropped."  Just a little clarification
> for the specific case.  (I didn't see it described anywhere at least.)

Good idea, I've added that to the guide.

>        I still would like a response to the last item, which I imagine you
> didn't read past the obvious misunderstanding so was easily missed.  :)

Hmm, general rule of email, keep it to a single question at a time :-)

I don't see that 0MQ will ever 'hiccup' and drop messages.  You don't
know the start and you don't know the end of a pubsub stream but once
a subscriber starts to get data it's not going to miss anything unless
you are using an unreliable transport like PGM or you have set HWM and
your queues are overflowing.

>        So, if I have a subscriber to a pub socket, is there any indication
> that I missed a message because for some random reason I lost temporary
> connection, got rerouted, the machine decided to think about God for a
> couple minutes whatever?

Not in normal scenarios but if you are doing very high rate cases
where networks can't handle the load and queues overflow, then maybe.

Pieter Hintjens
iMatix - www.imatix.com
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