At Mon, 4 Oct 2010 14:50:40 +0700, Kamil Shakirov wrote:
>  *.fas*
> +*.*fsl
> diff --git a/examples/Common Lisp/build b/examples/Common Lisp/build
> index 8b415fd..95aa989 100755
> --- a/examples/Common Lisp/build      
> +++ b/examples/Common Lisp/build      
> @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ if [ /$1/ = /all/ ]; then
>      done
>  elif [ /$1/ = /clean/ ]; then
>      echo "Cleaning Common Lisp examples directory..."
> -    rm -f *.fas* core
> +    rm -f *.fas* *.*fsl core

Speaking in general, this is not what you want to do. Every CL
implementation uses its own fasl filenames extension. You want either
to take into account all extensions of supported CLs (or, more honest,
known to work), or leave that task to common-lisp-controller.

>      for MAIN in `egrep -l main *.lisp`; do
>          rm -f `basename $MAIN .lisp`
>      done
> diff --git a/examples/Common Lisp/build.lisp b/examples/Common Lisp/build.lisp
> index 5b7e89d..0eec089 100644
> --- a/examples/Common Lisp/build.lisp 
> +++ b/examples/Common Lisp/build.lisp 
> @@ -5,6 +5,12 @@
>  ;;; Kamil Shakirov <>
>  ;;;
> +(in-package :cl-user)
> +
> +(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
> +  (require :split-sequence)
> +  (require :zeromq))
> +

This trick will work only with SBCL. Best solution IMO is to build
zguide package (you name it).

wbr, Vitaly
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