The issue was that the top part with POSIX defines was evaluating TRUE and
setting CONFIG_HAVE_CLOCK_GETTIME to 1. Even if the the other part
evaluated, I was trying suppress the include of features.h, w/o modifying
the openpgm code.

On Tue, Dec 21, 2010 at 4:55 PM, Steven McCoy <> wrote:

> On 22 December 2010 01:34, Scott <> wrote:
>> >
>> > I don't think these should be here for Darwin, the latter two are
>> covered
>> > by pgm/impl/features.h.
>> Yes they are - but pgm/impl/features.h is incorrectly (I believe)
>> interpreting the _POSIX or __POSIX flags and setting
> There is a separate section just for Darwin at the bottom of features.h?
>  #if defined(__APPLE__)
>  #       define CONFIG_HAVE_FTIME                1
>  #       define CONFIG_HAVE_GETTIMEOFDAY         1
>  #endif
> --
> Steve-o
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