Hi all,

I'd like to thank all those who came to Brussels for the meeting
yesterday. It was a small, constructive, focussed group.

Despite the lack of a structured agenda we covered pretty much every
area. We'll put up a wiki page with a summary of what was discussed
and agreed.

The first visible change is that we will drop the github issue tracker
and switch to Jira, collecting all ZeroMQ projects that want it, in
one single issue tracker. Secondly, we'll use this tracker much more
systematically for tracking and discussing changes.

For the rest, we mostly agreed on how to continue making 0MQ a
successful product and community. Pretty much the only area where we
did not find agreement was on monitoring, but IMO this is partly just
down to no-one actually trying to add monitoring and seeing how it

I'll let Martin, who took notes, continue this report on the wiki.

Thanks again to all who came, it was a long day yesterday but really satisfying.

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