On Fri, Jun 24, 2011 at 11:11 AM, Henry Baragar
<henry.bara...@instantiated.ca> wrote:

> the "slow joiner" syndrome...

It has to be handled on a pattern-by-pattern basis. My belief today is
that if you want synchronization over push-pull, you must switch to a
router-based pattern, in the same way as we use routers to synchronize
request-reply workers.

It's on my list for 'reliable pipelines'. The model is you use a
router-to-dealer dialog instead of push-to-pull, where dealers first
tell the router they are ready, and the router can then switch
workloads to dealers. One can then use dealer-to-dealer for work

> High Water Mark (HWM) configuration that offers little protection from
> memory exhaustion when the number of anticipated connections is unknown (The
> Guide: (Semi-)Durable Subscribers and High-Water Marks)

Indeed. Limiting the number of connections comes under the general
"making 0MQ more robust" category of work.

> Message loss (due to network I/O buffers) even when using durable sockets
> (The Guide: Transient vs. Durable Sockets)

Durable sockets must be removed as a feature, eventually. Except in a
few cases, they lead to memory loss.

> I wonder how things would change if 0MQ used a "pull" model instead? Here is
> what I mean by a pull model:

Examine the use of ROUTER sockets in Ch4 of the Guide and you will see
this is a pull model. You can use techniques such as credit-based flow
control (i.e. recipient sends 'credit' messages which the sender uses
to decide whether or not to send work to the recipient). CBFC (coming
to the Guide soon) lets you control buffering in terms of bytes as
well as messages.

> My question is: Is there any possibility of these suggestions making it into 
> 0MQ?

There are three ways to affect changes in 0MQ:

* Learn the codebase and submit patches (this is difficult). If the
maintainers refuse your patches you can fork the code, and try to
convince others to use it (this is an absolutely valid way of
* Offer money to the maintainers (they will still say 'no' if they
don't like your designs).
* Build your changes on top of 0MQ, as independent layers people can
use or ignore as they like.

Basically, you have to provide running code,or pay someone to make
running code, and use that to convince others of your ideas. This is
the filter which keeps our community healthy.

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