On Tue, Jul 5, 2011 at 6:33 PM, Martin Sustrik <sust...@250bpm.com> wrote:

> Hi all,
> For those interested in theoretical foundation of 0MQ, I've put down my
> thoughts here:
> http://www.250bpm.com/concepts
> Martin
Excellent doc Martin. Interesting points on the principles. I know that you
were intentionally using parts of ømq as examples where the principles
weren't being followed, but I thought the end-to-end behavior and
interjection principles had some interesting consequences, for example for

As far as I can see the load balancing behavior will break the interjection
principle - if I have 1 client pushing to three nodes, and I put 2 behind an
intermediary, as in the example, I will increase the share of the load on
the 1st (still directly connected) node from 33% to 50%. It would seem
possible to have a kind of XPULL/XPUSH socket type may have the ability to
be informed of availability, similarly to the subscription chaining in XPUB,
to allow more accurate distribution - though this could be one of those
ideas that's very bad in practice!

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