i care about monitoring.

and while i have stated here repeatedly that it is a significant pain in the 
arse that
zeromq won't give me any idea of teh queue length (and please, we udnerstand
all about the necessary imprecisions involved -- there is no earthly reason
why an estimate couldn't be provided!), i drank the kool-aid and did app-level 
and have honestly never looked back.
i 'm sure it has a performance impact, but it seems insignificant compared to 
all the other
work going on.
i do the monitoring in perhaps an odd way, which i could talk about separately,
but still flushing messages through a quick recv/send loop seems effcicient to 


On Oct 31, 2011, at 12:48 AM, Ilja Golshtein wrote:

> Hello
> 31.10.2011, 03:24, "Pieter Hintjens" <>:
>> * use explicit app-level queues where it makes sense, and monitor those 
>> myself
> Pieter, people who don't care about monitoring can follow your advice, but 
> they would not
> because they don't care.
> People who care about monitoring actually cannot, 
> because suggested approach affects performance in terrible way.
> That why I've started this thread.
> Regarding getsockopt. Do you believe any attempt to expose peer-specific info
> at API layer is not acceptable?
> Thanks.
> -- 
> Best regards,
> Ilja Golshtein.
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