Hello all,

I am using Zmq 3.0 on a Linux box.
I am using the PUB/SUB framework.
My messages are multi part messages with 4 parts.
In my test system, the message is sent on a human action (a mouse click)

I notice that from "time to time", I am loosing the first part of the  
multi part message. Wireshark confirm this. When this happens, it is  
always the first message exchanged from the publisher to the  
subscriber. Following messages works fine.

I have added some tracing info and tried to do some debugging.
I see the method zmq::pipe_t::write() called 4 times which I guess are due
to the four part of the multi part message
I see the execution of the encoder::get_data() message which I guess
retrieve data from the queue and send then to the BSD socket.
When I am loosing the first part of the message, this get_data()  
method extract only three chunk of data. Each chunk is 2 bytes for ZMQ  
protocol (I guess) plus the message part data.
If I compare with correct transmission of the multi-part message, it  
should extract 4 chunks of data instead of 3.

Therefore, I guess that the first message part is lost somewhere  
between this write() method of the pipe class and this  
encoder::get_data() method.

What do you think?

Thank's in advance for your help

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