I have a protocol (like majordomo) that uses message parts to send some of the 
same "boilerplate" data on every message. Currently I allocate a new zmq_msg_t 
for each of these "frames" and let the library handle the deallocation, but it 
occurred to me that this might not be a good idea.

What if I allocate the zmq_msg_t once and, before passing it to 
zmq_send/zmq_sendmsg, I call zmq_msg_copy on it to increase its refcount. The 
library returns another zmq_msg_t to me in the buffer I gave it but it let's me 
avoid the memcpy call for the "data" (which may be a negligible cost for small 
data but could be significant for large buffers). 

Now that I have typed this out, it would be nice if I could operate *directly* 
on the original zmq_msg_t and avoid the effort of even creating a destination 
zmq_msg_to for zmq_msg_copy to replace. What about a 
zmq_msg_increment_refcount(zmq_msg_t *src) api call to let me do this work 

Does anyone see a problem with this approach? I'm going to experiment with it 
in a project I am working on but I wanted to throw the idea out there just in 
case someone with a sharper eye can see a flaw.


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