The publisher side filtering implementation is in the m_trie (used by XPUB). I missed it the last time I was looking for it. It uses the trie data structure to link subscriptions to pipes. You can use XPUB in place of PUB. You will just need to throw away the recv's.


On 3/13/2012 7:22 PM, Steve wrote:

I setup the "C++ weather update" client / server (from the ZeroMQ guide) on two machines. I have the server on one machine and the client on another. I hard coded the server to only publish zip code "11111". The client subscribes to "22222". Although my client code doesn't 'see' the messages (as expected), I see the "11111" messages traveling to the client machine using WireShark so ZeroMQ must be filtering them out on the client side (not the publishing side).

I was interested in the built-in PubSub as a possible foundation to build a game server with 100's or 1000's of clients (players). However, if each published messages has to go to each client (even if they don't need it) I think it will overwhelm the network (or the clients machine). This would be especially true for slower clients like mobile devices. The v3.1 XPUB XSUB only solves part of the problem if you are using many layers of publishers and subscribers. However, I haven't found a pattern or solution where someone has dealt with the "last published leg" where the messages are sent to the client end points. Maybe the "Dealer" / "Router" would work but it sounded like there might be some problems if the clients disconnected.

Any other thoughts are appreciated.



On Tue, Mar 13, 2012 at 12:39 PM, Calvin de Vries < <>> wrote:

    I'm not sure this is correct, Joshua. PUB filters the messages in
    3.1, while you can use XPUB in order to do more advanced
    subscription management, it is not a requirement to have publisher
    side filtering.

    In Steve's example, Subscriber A would not receive every message,
    only messages matching its filter.

    On Mon, Mar 12, 2012 at 7:43 PM, Joshua Foster <
    <>> wrote:

        3.1 works the same way as 2.1 in your example. The changes in
        3.1 is that the subscription is forwarded to the PUB socket.
        This allows you to create a publisher device. It would sit
        between the parent publisher and the subscriber. The XPUB
        keeps track of the subscriptions and allows them to apply to
        the XSUB socket. This effectively filters out any messages
        that do not match a subscription. In your example, you are
        matching against "a" and "" so all messages would be passed

        You can of course use a ROUTER socket and manage the
        subscriptions yourself in the application (with DEALER). The
        main downside is that you won't be able to detect client
        disconnections. You may also want to consider creating an
        alternative PUB socket implementation in ZeroMQ.


        On 3/12/2012 6:48 PM, Steve wrote:
        I have a high level question about how a v3.1 publisher
        handles sending updates to subscribers.  I understand that
        v3.1 can push the subscription filtering further towards the
        publisher but to what degree I'm unclear on.

        Here is a very simple usage example:

        1) Publisher has a list of topics that are randomly updated
        10 times a second.  There are a total of 26 topics and each
        is a single lowercase alpha character representing the
        English alphabet (a - z).
        2) Subscriber 'A' subscribes to just a topic matching "a".
        3) Subscriber 'B' subscribes to all topics ("").

        In version 2.1, I believe Subscriber 'A' would receive all
        the messages and that the zeromq client library would filter
        them so the client would only see updates on 'a'.  In version
        3.1, is it possible to filter the messages at the publisher
        so that Subscriber 'A' only receives updates on topic 'a' (no
        filtering done on the client) and that Subscriber 'B'
        receives all updates on all topics (a-z)?



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