
   I am using zeromq v3.2.1-RC2 on Ubuntu 10.04 / Ubuntu 12.04 64bit. I created 
two simple apps: one fileserver and one fileclient, based on the "File 
Transfer" example code in the documentation 
(http://zguide.zeromq.org/page:all#header-151 , model 3). The code for these 
two example apps can be found here: http://pastebin.com/AuGU9EDC and here: 
http://pastebin.com/LusbjGCa . As you can see, I use a file of 100KB.

The problem is that when I start the server and then run the client multiple 
times, sometimes it receives less than 102400 bytes, like: 98304 or 94208 or 
90112 bytes. For example, when I run the client 1000 times with an interval of 
100ms between the runs, for 970 runs it receives 12400 bytes, while for the 
rest (30 runs) it receives less bytes. I am bit puzzled by this, could you help?

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