This looks simple enough. I should be able to port this into a jzmq
branch fairly easily.

I'll likely do it over the weekend.


On Fri, Feb 15, 2013 at 1:55 PM, gonzalo diethelm <> wrote:
> I remembered that I did implement this for a tentative Java binding for 
> Crossroads IO. The relevant methods where send() and recv(). This all worked 
> and performed MUCH better that current binding. Some details follow; if more 
> is required, let me know.
> Usage:
>             int size = 128;
>             ByteBuffer bb = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(size);
> ...
>             int rc = xs.xs_recv(sock, bb, 0, size, 0);
> ...
>             int rc = xs.xs_recv(sock, bb, 0, size, 0);
> ---------------------
> In Java:
> public class XsLibrary {
> ...
>     public native int xs_send(long socket,
>                               ByteBuffer buffer,
>                               int offset,
>                               int length,
>                               int flags);
>     public native int xs_recv(long socket,
>                               ByteBuffer buffer,
>                               int offset,
>                               int length,
>                               int flags);
> }
> ---------------------
> In C (the JNI part):
> JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_io_crossroads_jni_XsLibrary_xs_1send(JNIEnv* env,
>                                                                  jobject obj,
>                                                                  jlong socket,
>                                                                  jobject 
> buffer,
>                                                                  jint offset,
>                                                                  jint length,
>                                                                  jint flags)
> {
>     void* sock = 0;
>     jbyte* buf = 0;
>     int ret = 0;
>     sock = (void*) socket;
>     XS_ASSERT(sock);
>     buf = (jbyte*) (*env)->GetDirectBufferAddress(env, buffer);
>     XS_ASSERT(buf);
>     ret = xs_send(sock, buf, length, flags);
>     return ret;
> }
> JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_io_crossroads_jni_XsLibrary_xs_1recv(JNIEnv* env,
>                                                                  jobject obj,
>                                                                  jlong socket,
>                                                                  jobject 
> buffer,
>                                                                  jint offset,
>                                                                  jint length,
>                                                                  jint flags)
> {
>     void* sock = 0;
>     jbyte* buf = 0;
>     int ret = 0;
>     sock = (void*) socket;
>     XS_ASSERT(sock);
>     buf = (jbyte*) (*env)->GetDirectBufferAddress(env, buffer);
>     XS_ASSERT(buf);
>     ret = xs_recv(sock, buf, length, flags);
>     return ret;
> }
> ---------------------
> --
> Gonzalo Diethelm
> DCV Chile
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: [mailto:zeromq-dev-
>>] On Behalf Of Trevor Bernard
>> Sent: Friday, February 15, 2013 2:02 PM
>> To:; ZeroMQ development list
>> Subject: Re: [zeromq-dev] Zero Copy in Java jzmq
>> > I'm thinking of extending jzmq to optionally allow the zero-copy
>> > technique using the concepts outlined by Martin Thompson here:
>> That's awesome
>> > I'm not 100% sure I'll do it, I need some more experimentation first,
>> > but is there any interest or words of advice if someone's tried this
>> > already?
>> I'd love for send/recv to have a ByteBuffer API.
>> Some resources and general suggestions:
>> Have a peak at zmq_msg_t in zmq.h.
>> Defines ZMTP/2.0 Spec:
>> *
>> Also depending on the size of the msg, it may be allocated on the stack or
>> heap.
>> *
>> At some point you'll have to access a malloc'ed array from Java/JNI.
>> *
>> html#nio_support
>> Something like this would do the trick. This wraps a native pointer in a
>> ByteBufer
>> void *data = ...
>> jobject bb = (*env)->NewDirectByteBuffer(env, (void*) data,
>> sizeof(zmq_msg_t));
>> Here is another option: Use a library like javolution to do your mapping:
>> class Message extends Struct {
>>    Unsigned8 _ = new Unsigned8(32);
>>     Message() {
>>         setByteBuffer(Message.nativeBuffer(), 0);
>>     }
>>     private static native ByteBuffer nativeBuffer(); }
>> Something along those lines.
>> Hope this helps.
>> -Trev
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