Looking into the zmq_tcp/zmq_bind doco is only accepts the numeric form,
interface name, or wildcard when binding. DNS names are ok when connecting.
Looking through the OSX errno.h is appears that ENODEV is still 19 in line
with POSIX but the text version of the error indicates that you can't do
that to that device instead of that device doesn't exist. I can recreate it
by binding to eth0:5678 with no eth0 device.

On 16 April 2013 11:23, Lucas Maxwell <lu...@thecowsays.mu> wrote:

> That is exactly it. I get an ENODEV which appears to be 'operation not
> supported by device' for OSX. I thought ENODEV was that the device didn't
> exist at all?
> Thanks for your help.
> On 16 April 2013 01:00, Ian Barber <ian.bar...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> You should check the return value of those calls to zmq_bind, zmq_connect
>> etc. Try instead of localhost, you're probably getting ENODEV on
>> the bind.
>> Ian
>> On Mon, Apr 15, 2013 at 1:03 PM, Lucas Maxwell <lu...@thecowsays.mu>wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I'm working on a some code that generates a large volume of data and I'm
>>> using zmq to push the data off to a forked process for further work. I've
>>> run into a weird situation where the child process which is trying to
>>> receive the messages doesn't receive any until the main process stops
>>> producing them. To rule out any of my code causing issues I've taken
>>> zguide/{psenvpub,psenvseb} (which work fine on their own) and combined them
>>> into a fork setup to more closely mirror what I'm trying to achieve, but
>>> I'm seeing the same situation where the messages aren't being received.
>>> I feel like I'm missing something at the zmq level and what I'm trying
>>> to do should be done a different way. Any help would be much appreciated.
>>> OS: OSX 10.8
>>> zmq version: 3.2.2
>>> sample code: http://pastebin.com/ZXVsp8UH
>>> Cheers,
>>> Lucas
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