You may also be able to use the "ZMQ_TCP_KEEPALIVE" option to help with observation 2.


May 15, 2013 11:05 PM
Hello zmq guys,

I am writing this letter to confirm whether zmq PUB/SUB socket tcp connection have no timeout mechanism.

Recently, I am coding with ZMQ3.2.2 API.  In my program, there are two nodes, one is publisher, the other is subscriber, communicated with zmq tcp PUB/SUB sockets.  These two nodes are running on virtual machine. When the publisher's VM is RESET(code restart),  the subscriber won't received any message from the restarted publisher. However,  restart the publisher program, reboot in guest os, disconnect interface for a period of time won't lead to such result, subscriber always reconnects to the new started publisher.

With tcpdump, we noticed that
1)  restart the publisher program or reboot the guest os, makes publisher zmq send a FIN to terminate the connection. And when publisher restarts, subscriber will reconnect to it automatically.

2) Reset the VM of publisher, no FIN is sent out and when publisher restarts, the subscribe do nothing, no communication is observed, so the subscribe can't detect the previous connection is lost.

3)  Reset the VM of subscriber, no FIN is sent out, and publisher is always sending messages to the previous connection. Of course, a new connection is established, and messages are also sent out via this connection.

With the above observation, we guess that zmq PUB/SUB has no connection timeout mechanism, the connection only be terminated when one of the ends sends a FIN. I am curious about the whether it is the design target, or a bug. Maybe we must implements timeout with heatbeat on uplayer, to avoid lost connection when publisher is down for power losing.

Thanks for your information.

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