This is awesome! Thank you for taking it off my plate.

I have this on my "most urgent...but not quite yet" todo list. So I'll
probably start pinging you with issues/pull requests in about 2 weeks (OK,
that's optimistic).

Between you and Trevor Bernard, my life just got at least 100x easier.
Thank you.

-- James

On Fri, Aug 16, 2013 at 8:07 PM, Lucas Hope <> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I decided my new binding for common-lisp, cl-czmq is complete enough to be
> released.
> Here it is:
> I‘m working through the guide examples. They make a good set of test cases
> for a binding author. I’ve done through Chapter 2. The goal is to do them
> all, of course. Here they are:
>    -
>    I chose CZMQ instead of ZMQ because CZMQ is cleaner, more fleshed out,
>    and easier to port. A binding to CZMQ should also be *easier to
>    maintain*. CZMQ is also more well used than a Common Lisp binding will
>    ever be.
>     -
>    There are two other bindings in Common Lisp. The one used in the
>    zguide, cl-zmq, is abandoned. It only supports zmq 2.0. The more up to date
>    one, lisp-zmq supports 2.2. This binding should support all zmq versions
>    czmq supports. (*Note* that there does seem to have been efforts to
>    fork and update cl-zmq to zmq3.x. Progress unknown.)
>     -
>    I named this binding cl-czmq because it aptly describes the library,
>    using lisp library conventions. I don‘t want to take either the other
>    package names because that interferes with lisp’s package management. Also
>    it comes across as rude.
>     -
>    I would like this to become *the* CL binding in the guide and on
> I'm willing to do more work to make that happen.
> I'd like it if any other ZMQ lispers want to reach out with respect to
> this (and of course any other comments are welcome! :-) ).
> Regards,
> Luke
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