On Mon, Jun 2, 2014 at 5:59 AM, Jeremy Richemont <jrichem...@gmail.com>

> Hi Tim. I agree, a message can only be deemed to have been 'sent' if an
> acknowledgement for it is received. As soon as no ack is received the
> server must start backing up messages - but only for that client. It's
> perfectly possible to have one client up-to-date, one that's catching up
> from 200 messages ago and another catching up from 1000 messages ago. The
> server will need to know about each client - either because it's been
> configured to expect a certain set of clients or through some discovery
> mechanism whereby the client connects and tells the server about itself.

You're describing a fully synchronous topology where every message gets
acked to a central broker by every client.  You can of course write a 0mq
broker to to this but you might as well save the time and effort and use
AMQP or a simple database behind an HTTP server if those are you


> On 30 May 2014 20:03, Tim Crowder <crowd...@yahoo-inc.com> wrote:
>>  Hi Jeremy-
>> You might take a look at existing systems for how they handle it.
>> Apache Kafka, for instance, always maintains a backlog of messages,
>> via fast-append to logfiles. Clients keep track of the "offset" of the
>> last message they processed, and actively pull new messages from
>> the publisher.
>> Even if you know when the connection dropped, it's hard to know
>> which message was completely processed (vs delivered) last.
>> So, without client pulls, you need explicit client acknowledgement of
>> the last processed message.
>> This means that you have to keep saving/buffering messages until all
>> clients acknowledge them, then you can discard messages up to that point.
>> Cheers!
>> .timrc
>>  ------------------------------
>> *From:* zeromq-dev-boun...@lists.zeromq.org [
>> zeromq-dev-boun...@lists.zeromq.org] on behalf of Jeremy Richemont [
>> jrichem...@gmail.com]
>> *Sent:* Friday, May 30, 2014 7:21 AM
>> *To:* ZeroMQ development list
>> *Subject:* Re: [zeromq-dev] Welcome to the "zeromq-dev" mailing list
>>   Thanks, Charles. I did, in fact, find that pattern. The problem is it
>> does not match what I am trying to do. That pattern for when you have state
>> + deltas. What I have is a continuous message stream which, once started to
>> client x must be preserved even if client x dies for a bit (not forever of
>> course, I put an SLA of 1 million messages/client) and then reconnects,
>> every message it missed is replayed, in order, then the live stream
>> resumes.
>>  It needs to handle n clients, any of which may drop and reconnect so
>> each one will need an independent message cache. PUB/SUB will not do for
>> this because I may need to send messages 10 - 100 to client x on reconnect
>> but 50 - 200 to client y.
>>  Asking for state is a good idea - ask for missing updates in my case -
>> but the question remains; how does the server know the client is no longer
>> available and it must therefore start backing up messages from a PUB
>> socket? The client can't tell it over OOB because it died already.
>>  If I could just query PUB and get a list of clients plus a notification
>> when one drops that'd solve the problem I think. But how to do that?
>>  Jeremy
>> On 30 May 2014 15:00, Charles Remes <li...@chuckremes.com> wrote:
>>> Take a look at the Clone pattern in the zguide.
>>> http://zguide.zeromq.org/page:all#Reliable-Pub-Sub-Clone-Pattern
>>> This might be what you need.
>>> cr
>>> On May 29, 2014, at 11:20 AM, Jeremy Richemont <jrichem...@gmail.com>
>>> wrote:
>>> >
>>> > Hi. I am struggling to work out how to use zmq to implement the
>>> architecture I need. I have a classic publish/subscribe situation except
>>> that once client x has subscribed to a topic I need the topic data to be
>>> sent to it to be cached if the client dies and resent on reconnect. The
>>> data order is important and I can't miss messages should the client be
>>> offline for a while.
>>> >
>>> > The PUB/SUB pattern doesn't seem to know about individual clients and
>>> will just stop sending to client x if it dies. Plus I can't find out this
>>> has happened and cache the messages, or know when it reconnects.
>>> >
>>> > To try to get around this I used the REQ/REP pattern so the clients
>>> can announce themselves and have some persistence but this is not ideal for
>>> a couple of reasons:
>>> >
>>> > 1) The clients must constantly ask "got any data for me?" which
>>> offends my sensibilities
>>> >
>>> > 2) What happens if there's no data to send to client x but there is to
>>> client y? Without zmq I'd have had a thread per client and simply block the
>>> one with no data but I can't block client x without also blocking client y
>>> in a single thread.
>>> >
>>> > Am I trying to shove a round peg in a square hole, here? Is there some
>>> way I can get feedback from PUB saying 'failed to send to client x'? so I
>>> can cache the messages instead? Or is there some other pattern I should be
>>> using?
>>> >
>>> > Otherwise it's back to low level tcp for me...
>>> >
>>> > Many thanks;
>>> >
>>> > Jeremy
>>> >
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