The recently landed pull request #1161
<> would now seem to preclude
forwarding on metadata to a PAIR socket.

On Mon, Aug 11, 2014 at 11:23 AM, Thomas Rodgers <>

> 1) I want to use CURVE and zmq_msg_gets()
>> When I recv() a message on the ROUTER socket it has metadata attached
>> to it. Can I (and how) forward this message across the PAIR socket savely
>> keeping the metadata pointer intact so the app can still call
>> zmq_msg_gets() on it?
> caveat; I haven't tried it, but I did not see anything obvious in the
> implementation that would preclude metadata attached to a message from
> being forwarded over a PAIR socket by simply sending the received message.
>  The underlying pipe just copies the msg struct by-value to a queue then
> calls init(), resetting the supplied message to an empty state, without
> messing with the refcount on the attached metadata.  The receiving side
> will take ownership of the associated metadata reference when it dequeues
> the message.
> On Mon, Aug 11, 2014 at 10:14 AM, Goswin von Brederlow <>
> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I hope you don't mind but I want to brainstorm a bit.
>> I want a generic solution to handle heartbeats that I can reuse in
>> different applications. The most transparent way for this seems to be
>> to create a seperate thread for it. So the design looks something like
>> this:
>> [client] PAIR <--inproc--> [heartbeat thread] PAIR-DEALER <--tcp-->
>> and
>> <--tcp--> ROUTER-PAIR [heartbeat thread] <--inproc--> PAIR [server]
>> The heartbeat thread just forwards messages between the app and the
>> outside world and back monitoring the traffic. And when there is no
>> traffic it inserts heartbeats at regular intervals. It also filters
>> out incoming heartbeats from the outside world.
>> So far this is pretty simple. But now for the interesting parts:
>> 1) I want to use CURVE and zmq_msg_gets()
>> When I recv() a message on the ROUTER socket it has metadata attached
>> to it. Can I (and how) forward this message across the PAIR socket savely
>> keeping the metadata pointer intact so the app can still call
>> zmq_msg_gets() on it?
>> 2) I want to report disapeared peers to the app
>> Basically I have normal messages and control/monitoring messages. I've
>> been thinking that on a ROUTER socket each message starts with an
>> identity frame. So I could send a 0 frame to indicate the message is a
>> control message.
>> But what do I do with the client? I can't use the same with a DEALER
>> socket. I would have to prefix every message with 0 (control) or 1
>> (data) and that would need change the application. I couldn't just
>> plug in or remove the heartbeat without rewriting the message parsing.
>> A short time ago we talked about using some bit in the message itself
>> to say wether it is a control message or normal and having in-band
>> control messages for connect/dicsonnect and so on. Maybe it would be a
>> good time to design and implement something like that now and use it
>> here?
>> 2b) Combining 2 and 1. Can I set my own metadata for control messages?
>> I think the lack of a User-Id on a message could be used to identify
>> control messages. Right?
>> 3) I want to connect/disconnect/bind/unbind or set HWM and so on
>> The app and the DEALER/ROUTER sockets are in different threads. This
>> makes modifying them directly impossible (never share a socket between
>> threads, right?).
>> So this would also need some form of control message but going the
>> other way this time.
>> Should this be just a custom control message that is specific to my
>> use case or would it make sense to define a set of control messages
>> for all the socket operations in zmq so other use cases use the same
>> syntax? I'm thinking this could be reusable for proxies.
>> MfG
>>         Goswin
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