1. set linger = 0 on all sockets
2. close all sockets
3. terminate context

On Tue, Nov 18, 2014 at 9:10 AM, rails <stammail...@gmail.com> wrote:
> In ZMQ zguide they advice to always clean up when task ends. I am a bit
> confused regarding the best practice.
> First
> ... even if you close all sockets, zmq_ctx_destroy() will by default wait
> forever
> ... Finally, destroy the context
> ... This will cause any blocking receives or polls or sends in attached
> threads
>     to return with an error. Catch that error, and then set linger on, and
> close sockets in that thread,
> So do I need to close? destroy? all sockets before I destroy the context?
> Looking at the context.destroy() I see it calls linger and close on each
> socket.
> How should I terminate my ZMQ resources?
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