Pieter, as always thanks for the decisive guidance.  Doron, I haven't heard
back from LF, if I do I'll ping you, but it might be wise to start a second
line of inquiry with them.  Thoughts?


On Tue, Apr 19, 2016 at 11:16 AM, Pieter Hintjens <p...@imatix.com> wrote:

> Friends,
> You know I've always steered our community with a light touch, only
> intervening in case of the few disputes we get when bad actors think they
> can waltz in and impose their egos. We agree that our rules work and that
> those who understand and apply them with the right mix of tolerance for
> error, and brutality towards fraud, are the people I most closely cherish.
> It's not fair but neither is life.
> Sorry I've spent a while on this problem. A community needs someone to
> take the blame and some of the credit. An honest mix of pride and respect
> for others. A stubborn bastard who nods and lets you have lots of road just
> to hang you with if it's needed.
> And someone who can balance long term insane vision with pragmatic slow
> progress, because they have already been there and now wait with patience
> for the rest of us to catch up.
> So without further ado I'd like to hand the stage over to my dear friend,
> Mr Did You Really Add UDP Support to Libzmq In One Day Doron....  dramatic
> pause... SOMECH!!
> Thank you for your votes, which I entirely ignored. :)
> Pieter
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