On Thu, 2017-08-31 at 12:49 +0200, Stephan Opfer wrote:
> Hi Luca,
> thank you for your hints. I am currently stuck with a little problem,
> that is probably related to your hin about cleaning up the messages
> to early. My current state is uploaded on gist: https://gist.github.c
> om/StephanOpfer/98e32c13c822c33e06d56bc82956c7c2
> The thing is, that the messages are transfered correctly, when my
> process waits for some time, before it ends. So my question is, what
> do I don't understand correctly here?
> My current impression, or explanation of this phenomenon, is that the
> zmq_msg_send method is working asynchronously and the process ended,
> before zmq can send everything correctly.
> If that is the case I am not sure, what the best way will be to
> manage the data in my real application. How do I know, that zmq has
> finished sending my data, so that it would be ok to delete it. If I
> would let zmq decide to delete the data (by passing a deallocator
> method to zmq_msg_init_data), it could happen that it deletes the
> data to early for other parts of my application.
> Greetings,
>    Stephan

First of all, use the APIs to cleanly close the sockets and terminate
the context.

zmq_close (socket);
zmq_ctx_term (ctx);

When the socket is closed, there is grace periods for messages queued
up to the I/O thread but not yet sent - this is called the ZMQ_LINGER
timer. The default is 30 seconds. You can increase it (or set it to
unlimited with -1) via zmq_setsockopt.

Unlimited linger with TCP/IPC can lead to waiting forever if the other
end disappears, but with UDP there should not be this problem IIRC, as
it just sends the messages.

Kind regards,
Luca Boccassi

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