
I have a couple of threads that communicate via inproc:// PUSH/PULL
sockets. The communication pattern does not map well to the order of thread
creation, and out of convenience I have producer thread connecting to its
PUSH socket before consumer thread has bound the PULL socket.

There is a note in the documentation [1], saying that for inproc://
transport binding should be done before connecting. But that seems to work
fine for me. I just left a comment in the code that this may cause some
pain as a reminder, and decided not to fix what's not broken.

Today I had a broken communication issue, and the first suspect was this
ordering of binding/connecting. Eventually I figured out that the problem
was not related to ZMQ, but in the process did some digging in the code. In
zmq::socket_base_t::bind() there is this piece of code:

    if (protocol == "inproc") {
        const endpoint_t endpoint = { this, options };
        rc = register_endpoint (addr_, endpoint);
        if (rc == 0) {
            connect_pending (addr_, this);

This seems to assume that there can be pending connections to an unbound
inproc:// socket.

Is the note in documentation still relevant? Are there some potential
problems with doing zmq_connect() before zmq_bind()?

[1] http://api.zeromq.org/4-2:zmq-connect

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